Wow! At least we know that the software update helps for the -30c temperature and I saw in your photo that it feels like -40c.My first experience with -30'C Temperatures.
Yesterday the temperature was -27 to -29'C and I used the car in the evening. Car started fine but took a good 15 minutes to get interior to 0'C
Got home at 10pm and Main Battery state of charge was 50% showing a drive range of _ _ _
I waited till midnight to plug in the car on Level 2. Temperature was -29'C
Woke up at 7Am. Outside temp was -31'C. My Connect App showed that charging was full but still showed 2 1/2 to complete charge.
From house I remotely turned on and lights did come on and off after a few seconds. So that was a good line.
Went outside and noticed Blue Charge light on charge was Blue but not charging.
The red red charge light was flashing. I unplugged charging cable and turned on the car. Battery state of cge was at 95% (1/2 bar away from full)
ICE started fine. I turned on the 1500W Inverter to use the 1300W Ceramic heater and went in the house to start the car.
I drove 9 kms to take girlfriend to Dentist for 9am appointment
The Battery Temperature did go up slightly but still to the left of the line.
Tried placing in EV but Battery still too cols yet the Battery State of Charge had dropped to 50%. Partially by driving the EV Motors and powering up the 1500W Inverter
Some photos
For me as long as the car runs at that kind of temperature is fine with me.
Appreciate your update mate.