Warming up the gas engine

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New member
Jan 16, 2025
Hi, fresh owner of 2015 PHEV Outlander, very happy with the car.
If i turn off the climate control the car will start on EV, the gas engine remains cold, if i were to start on EV and exceed 80km/h and gas engine starts in high rpm, wouldn't that damage the engine? In previous cars i always stay 1-3 minutes with engine turned on before i leave.
Is there any way to see engine temperature?

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Since in most cases, the engine isn't connected to the wheels, the Engine management system can use the most efficient engine speed (RPM) for the 2.0 Lit atkinson cycle Engine (in your 2015 model). If you want to look at engine temperature you can always use the free Android PHEV Watchdog application which will give you this info.
In ALL cases when the engine starts it is not connected to the wheels. It first starts then runs the generator and then if warmed up will then synchronise speed to the driving wheels and then connect.

There's no possibility to do anything with it this is outside of the parameters that the engineers have already thought about and the company has given a warranty against.

But frequent stop/starts are part of the reason the PHEV has quite a short service interval.