2014 model - HV Battery leak (OBC codes included)

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Mar 17, 2021

Our Outlander PHEV 2014 wont charge anymore, drives in snail mode.
Earlier this winter it had some issues with starting up, a 12v reset worked, replugging the 10A charger etc.

Codes from icarsoft:

P0AA7 - Leak SNSR. detection circuit

P0AA6 - Leak detection

C1753 - Radar blockage detected

C1776 - ACC system fail detected (ENG)

P1A46 - Leak sensor detection circuit

P1A44 - Leak detection (BMU)

B1476 - IG1(A) voltage extraordinary low

B103B - Refrigerant PRS. SNS. circuit low

I have tried the following:
- new 12v battery (from dealer)
- disconnecting the 12v battery for 1h, 5h, 8h

Update: I tried simply plugging in the 10A charger now after one week, and now the charge does not stop after a few seconds. I have however not plugged in the 12v battery yet. Is that a problem, should i let it charge its battery pack before i abort it and replug the 12v?

Will now try again:
Lindqvist - https://www.myoutlanderphev.com/threads/lindqvist-method-diy-bmu-battery-reset.4534/
D-Method - https://www.myoutlanderphev.com/threads/d-method-on-really-stubborn-cars-or-the-a-method.4581/

Any other tips?
Attaching images from the dealer, stating in their report there is moistiure/ corrostion at the cables



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Update: I tried simply plugging in the 10A charger now after one week, and now the charge does not stop after a few seconds. I have however not plugged in the 12v battery yet. Is that a problem, should i let it charge its battery pack before i abort it and replug the 12v?
Update: never mind. It only blinked Charging. When i connected the 12v again the issue persists.

Damage report from the dealer mentions battery pack moisture. Will now probably try to sell it with a big loss.
Could be that the aircondition has lost its charge. The aircondition system is responsible for battery cooling and without battery cooling no charging or running.
New 12v battery - leave it connected, if the start button fires up the dash it's okay.

Don't do any Lindqvist or D-Method.

As the post by tfv43, and error codes suggest, aircon has lost it's fluid or is malfunctioning.
Could be that the aircondition has lost its charge. The aircondition system is responsible for battery cooling and without battery cooling no charging or running.
The car operates perfectly fine with no charge in the air conditioning system. Obviously if the battery gets to hot it will flag up an error but doesn't effect it as far as normal driving and charging bit standard and fast charging.
Really appreciate your responses.
I dont want to give it up just yet.

The ACC codes came earlier this winter, when the car was drivable and chargable so i also suspect it could be the case and that the dealer dismissed the car seeing the corrosion.. or salt from norwegian roads.

Also, the AC was refilled last year, but is that is probably not related.. is there a how to do that i can access and test voltages near the acc to diagnose it further?

And to be clear, the battery pack is so tiny. Is there no way to just force the 2014 model to use the fossil engine at all?
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No unfortunately the PHEV needs the battery as a buffer and a high voltage supply. The fossil engine ha only one gear and can only drive the wheels above about 60 km/h. Under that you need the EV system to drive the car.
Well if there is so much corrosion on the vehicle you may really have an perforated battery enclosure and all kind of **** going on.

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