What Settings for Pure EV with No ICE Assist

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Then, after driving about 3 months, the ICE started up and I got message that I had to use up the old fuel and the ICE would not turn off untill I added 20 Lt of fuel. This never, ever happened on my 2018 and 2022 Models.
This is because you "never, ever" went 3 months without refuelling, that's why. This feature as been present in the PHEV since the beginning. 😎
This is because you "never, ever" went 3 months without refuelling, that's why. This feature as been present in the PHEV since the beginning. 😎
For my 2018, and 12 kWh i would charge every 1 to 3 days and was getting 40 to 45 kms and would drive 5 to 6 months without adding Fuel (kept my log book uodated) and I Never, Ever, Ever saw the Need to add fuel Message. I drove tge 2018 for 5 years. The only warning message I ever got is when the outside temp hit -35'C for 6 days straight and received message Vehicle Cold and lack of powef till the Battery warmed up. I have nk garage and park outside and happened because my Nattefh was low and had parked overnight at a friend's place.

The 2022 did cause the ICE to keep in more often especially at start up and I was not able to force EV Mode as easily as I could with 2018. On start up, with Temps around 7'C the ICE would start up even after pressing EV Button on starting and ICze would run about 3 minutes as long as I did not turn thd heat. ICE would remain on as long as I kept the Heat Settings at 18'C then after 3 minutes Ivould increase it a degree at a time and if I set it too high, the would kick in but turn off again if I lowered tge heat setting.

With the 2024, once I turn on thd heat, with the outside temp at 15'C and set inside heat to 18'C the ICE starts up and stays on even after lowering the setting and even if I turn off the heat. The only wah I can turn off the ICE is to pull over, stop car, turn off and restart and press EV and ECO Mode.

So greenwarf,what Model PHEV are you driving, because clearly it seems you have no idea what I am typing here. I am not trying to be rude, just a genuine question of interest to you.
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I am very happy to hear that you are getting 85 to 90 kms on a full charge.

Where I live there are a lot of schools with reduced speed zones so my average speed is 30 to 40 km/h as can be see on my photo.

I always press the EV Button and Eco as well as drive in B-0 which does get me 95 to 100 kms per charge but I do need to be careful as not to move the Regen Pedals beyond B-2 if the Battery Level is higher than 55%. When I forget and place it in B-3 or higher the ICE starts up and if I accelerate the meter does show power mode. When this happens I need to pull over and restart the car, so I can get back to EV Mode. I never had this issue with my 2018 or 2022 PHEV.

When the outside temp is above 25'C the ICE seems to kick in randomly even though the Battery has good levels, speeds are 60 km/h or lower and Main Battery Temp gauge is at mid point.

When ICE starts I pull over when it is safe and restart in EV, ECO and B-0.

I am very impressed with EV Range, I just do not like it when the car decides to take me out of EV Mode for no reason at all and I mean that, because my 2018 and 2022 never behaved this way.

My other issue is that the ICE kicks in whenever I turn on the Heat even at a low setting. The ICE remains on until I drive for about 3 minutes but it can turn on whenever it feels like it untill I restart the car. All this happens even when the battery is fully charged and my speed is 60km/h or lower.

Turning on the AC is more unpredictable, as the ICE seems to stay on even when the temp setting are higher and the AC turns off. iCE again turns off after several minutes of drive. (I have to reconfirm this)

Talk about wasting gas, needlessly.

My current range is shown below. Temps have been dropping to 8'C overnight lately

View attachment 1499

The above photo indicates that I should be getting 95 to 100 kms again if I just drive in the city.

I just want to see what will happen when we start getting freezing temps and I will post my findings.
Interesting. I have 2020 in Canada. It’s hard to believe you are getting 105 km per charge. From your gauges 48 km at 50 % battery.

I measure my 2020 by using trip meter for ACTUAL mileage. After full charge. Reset to 0KM. EV & ECO mode. No big foot. When EV cancels out I check my trip meter. And that is what my 12KW battery delivers from 100% down to 20%. Varies from 30 to 35km per trip. The guessameter doesn’t mean a lot. Depends on last couple of km was uphill, downhill, or flat.

BTW winter driving sucks. Efficiency of cold drive battery and heater on have huge effect. Down to 20ish KM per trip. I have started at -35C outside overnight. Having a 300volt starter system helps a lot. That’s winter for a PHEV…..butt I still love this car.❤️
Interesting. I have 2020 in Canada. It’s hard to believe you are getting 105 km per charge. From your gauges 48 km at 50 % battery.

I measure my 2020 by using trip meter for ACTUAL mileage. After full charge. Reset to 0KM. EV & ECO mode. No big foot. When EV cancels out I check my trip meter. And that is what my 12KW battery delivers from 100% down to 20%. Varies from 30 to 35km per trip. The guessameter doesn’t mean a lot. Depends on last couple of km was uphill, downhill, or flat.

BTW winter driving sucks. Efficiency of cold drive battery and heater on have huge effect. Down to 20ish KM per trip. I have started at -35C outside overnight. Having a 300volt starter system helps a lot. That’s winter for a PHEV…..butt I still love this car.❤️
This photo was taken 10 days ago. After reset to zero

48 km driven and range of 51 left on Battery.

In the Summer I was averaging 95/100. I did 100/107 kms a few times. Higher values prior to Jul 1, 2024 when 30km/h speeds are enforced thru School Zone.

We have no School Zone reduction of speed from June 30 - Sep 30.
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