Poor outgoing phone call quality - 2019 PHEV

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New member
Jul 24, 2019
Hi all-

I’ve searched a few threads on this topic but have not found any sort of diagnosis or answer. I just leased a 2019 PHEV in North America (NY). When using CarPlay/Bluetooth, everyone I call is complaining of very poor call quality, specifically stating that I sound far away and crackly.

I’m using an iPhone 8 and have no issues in my 2016 Q5.

Is this how the car is? Is there a fix? :?:

No problem in Uk I have had two Outlander PHEV since 2106 New. Never had any problem with bluetooth. Current one 2019 , very clear sound.
Also no problem, 2019 Model and iPhone XS.

Maybe there is something wrong with your mic?
What I figured out, you have to speak in the direction of the mic. It seems not to be very sensitive.
Following some bodywork repair, I found that the was no sound at all from my car 'phone speaker - turns out volume is controlled by the same knob as the radio on my non-MMS console. Perhaps it is the same for the mic :idea:
I have the same issue. Got my Outlander PHEV 2 weeks ago and several people say the sound is terrible.
Will have the car dealer to check it up
Happy to hear that I’m not alone! I haven’t had the chance to bring the car in to service, but please keep me in the loop about what is said.
Same issue. 2019 Outlander. iPhone 8. At highway speed (55+) it's very bad. Cuts out a lot. I think it's overzealous noise-canceling software. Also, the head unit becomes unresponsive sometimes, volume knob works but the touch screen stops accepting input. Anyone else seen this issue? I'm going to ask the dealer to take a look at these issues when I take it in for it's first service.
I’m having the exact same issues. When I’m CarPlay I can hear the other end of the line perfectly, but they hear me very sporadically. Sounds like 25% of my words cut out. I have an iPhone XSMax and have tried all manors of cables. It seems like there is some bug no one will admit to.
Also having a hard time being understood by people I call. They say there's no interruption but sound quality is awful. Tried with iPhone 7 & 8.

By the way the incoming audio only comes out of the passenger speaker. Is it to force the driver to turn towards the mic which I suppose is in the middle?

Edit: sound is very clear with FaceTime Audio! Incoming is still only on passenger speaker (and yes music comes from everywhere)
So the new version of IOS13 seems to have made it slightly better. Calls at low speeds (under 40) seem to work okay. When I get much faster than that, while I can hear the call clearly, anyone on the other end gets a really choppy version of me.
I had a call yesterday...iPhone XS, iOS 13.1, Apple Carplay, highway doing 140km/h, heavy rain...no problems beside I had to turn it really loud on my side (because of this only right side ********), but the caller could hear me well, clear and loud.
So interesting. I have had a few times that it works, but others that it doesn't. Very hard to diagnose. I end just throwing in airpods if the incoming call is an important work one
Mitch said:
I had a call yesterday...iPhone XS, iOS 13.1, Apple Carplay, highway doing 140km/h, heavy rain...no problems beside I had to turn it really loud on my side (because of this only right side ********), but the caller could hear me well, clear and loud.

Old post I know but, we have the opposite problem in the UK! My phone only comes out of the left speaker in an RHD car.
I read somewhere that setting the handedness (it's a word) to the opposite of what you think puts the voice control and phone sound of the speaker next to the drivers seat.
So LHD uses right speaker and RHD uses left speaker; this is an option in the top secret hidden menu that everyone knows about.

It seems that this car is all opposite to what you would think:
LHD = Right speaker; RHD = Left
Minus increases regen, plus reduces it.
Direction selector: forward to go back, back to go forward.

Steering wheel seems Ok! I am only assuming the indicators work right but I have never seen mine from the outside... perhaps I better check. :?
i have a 2019 outlander and the bluetooth calls are prefect, as they were in my 2016 outlander.
Calls on car play are trash. people struggle to hear me and most end up being terminated, remove USB lead and then redial once on bluetooth. then get lost as satnav not on display :).
i reported to garage from about week 6 of having the newer model. Having being bounced around by Mitsubishi who blamed everything but the car, i have tried a different phone and a new apple lead but still same problem!!!!
its great to see other with issue on the forum.

Is there an issue with autoplay? is it just an apple thing?