Percentage EV when running in hybrid mode.

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Thank you anko, we have at least a confirmation for the limit of EV mode : 125 kph.
So we are sure that the parallel mode begins at 126 kph, but have you noticed the speed for the EV mode's return ? I think it's 119 or 120 kph.
anko said:
As promised, I have tested (or at least try to test) at which speed you can no longer drive in EV mode, even with high SOC. Unfortunately, driving conditions where not good / consistent enough do a definitive test, but ….

I think there are two different phenomenas that I have witnessed each with a its own km/h boundary:
- an automatic switchover from EV mode to parallel mode, even with full battery
- a change to the hysteresis cycle from the typical on / off pattern to a working harder / working less hard pattern

The second, I still think happens at 120 km/h. But again, more testing is needed for a positive confirmation. The first seems indeed to happen at approx. 126 km/h, like you said. As a matter of fact, until I started playing with my OBD tools, I also thought it was 126 km/h. But I think I must have changed my mind when I saw the change to the hysteresis cycle happen at 120 km/h and did not realise these two could be independent.

Both the engagement of parallel drive at 126 kmh as the change in the hysteresis cycle are shown in this diagram. Unfortunately, I do not have a diagram (yet) of the hysteresis cycle at low SOC.

Anko - does power demand (like wind or inclines) influence these figures?
Yes. They do. How am I so sure? Well, how could they not? :geek:

Let me give an interpretation (mine) of this graph, based upon other observations I have made and try to predict what will happen when there is more wind or an incline.

The top orange line shows that the engine is running all the time, at an RPM directly linked to the speed. Where you normally would expect the engine to stop every know and then, this doesn't happen here.

Where the engine power (grey line) is low, the car runs in pure parallel mode (without any E-component, if you must believe the indicators on the dashboard), but in reality a small amount of E-power (increases and decreases with speed, but about 4 - 6 kW @ 100 km/h) is used to:
- generate a very small amount of torque in the rear E-motor, to maintain the 4WD character of the car
- eliminate E-drag on the front E-motor

This power does not come from the generator (even though it is spinning happily along with the engine), but from the battery. See the bottom yellow line, which shows power (kW) going into (positive) or out of (negative) the battery. I even suspect that the battery is providing some power to eliminate E-drag in the generator.

You can see SOC (green line) going down a bit during this phase. Then, when SOC reaches the low water mark, the engine steps up to 75% (most efficient, sweet spot) to up the SOC back to the high water mark of the cycle. At these times, I think a blue arrow from engine to battery id shown in the dash. And so on.

You see similar differences as when you compare charing with low SOC to charging with high SOC. With low SOC / when the battery is being recharged, the engine load is fairly constant at 75% and the charge current is used to accommodate to changes in driving conditions. With high SOC / when engine is being discharged, engine load varies to accommodate to changes in driving conditions.

Now you get a head wind or encounter an incline. Think this is what will happen:

During the discharge phase of the cycle, the discharge rate will stay the same, but the engine will work harder to accommodate for the more demanding driving conditions. Once conditions require > 100% engine power, the battery will start to discharge faster, as the E-motors must support the engine. At that moment you have an orange arrow from engine to wheels and a blue arrow from battery to wheels.

During the charge phase of the cycle, charging will be reduced to accommodate for increasing demand, but engine load stays at 75% as long as possible. When demand increase further, the engine will start to work harder and charging stops completely. Blue arrow from engine to battery dims. Once the engine is at 100%, the battery starts to discharge again. Blue arrow from battery to wheels appear.
Some more testing today. first picture shows how, with lower SOC, the normal engine on / engine off pattern still works at 118 and 120 km/h, where at 122 km/h it switches to an engine at high load / engine at low load pattern:


Second picture shows how, with higher SOC, the engine is started when speed reaches 124 km/h and dies out only at 118 - 120 km/h:


BTW: The ADHD-like patters for load, consumption and such are caused by me playing with the CC + and - buttons to vary my speed.
Interesting !
So the SOC has an infuence on the speed limit between EV and parallel mode. Seems logical, but was unknowed until now, was it ?