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SMB said:
For software update only changes that can be made

1. No 1 has to be an EV only option.
2. Expand the MPG field to 3 digits so you can see what you are achieving over 99.9.
3. MMCS remembers your previous display option so you don't have to always start on the map.

ditto for me. although, being able to set 2 timers in a day nearly sneaked in to 3rd place for me.
1) EV only facility or parameter setting please
Can't agree enough (5 mile, 10 mile, 20 mile) buttons to quickly identify the rough distance of journey before next charge.

2) Boot/Tailgate to open further (I'm only 6ft and I often get clobbered, need to duck)

3) Better back seat layout for three children
Seat belts and boosters require significant "encouragement" to fit
My guess is that when people write "EV only mode", most times they mean "do not use engine for heating mode". The first one will never be implemented as it is, as Jaap says, a safety risk. The second should have a chance.

Let's make sure we ask the right things.
1. Surprised that nobody has yet asked for this one - a factory 3g/4g mobile app, in lieu of the near useless wifi one.
2. mpg in 3 digits on all displays.
3. a general all-round improvement in user-friendliness, ie. no silly 10 x button press sequences to connect apps, obscure sequences to disable interior alarms, trips to the dealer to set up 2 button press unlock etc.
Bilbo59 said:
anko said:
My guess is that when people write "EV only mode", most times they mean "do not use engine for heating mode". The first one will never be implemented as it is, as Jaap says, a safety risk. The second should have a chance.

Let's make sure we ask the right things.

Anko, can you please respect the no discussions request. I will start a new post on EV only so that all the EV only detractors can post to their hearts content.


Anko is quite within his rights to ask for a clarification. This is a public forum and this post is well on topic.
I will happily have a discussion elsewhere, but first you should you and other posters should clarify:
Do you want
a. A pure EV mode.
b. Only the ability to switch off the engine as heater.
Bilbo59 said:
I would respectfully suggest we do not need to clarify anything on this topic - lets do it in the EV discussion where it can be debated properly.
With all due respect: how do you expect Mitsubishi to understand what we want, just by looking at this list, if we ourselves don't know what it means? Or do you expect them to go through the other thread(s)? As that is not going to happen, the list will be (partly) meaningless.

If I am allowed to make a suggestion: create a consolidated current list based upon current input and add it to your opening post. Whenever new suggestions are made, or discussions have been had, update your opening post. Then Mitsubishi can see what we want, just by looking at your opening post. Everybody happy. Right?
:shock: :roll: :lol:

I thought it was all a bit laid back and friendly on here. Is this myoutlanderphev's first flounce?
Bilbo59 said:
You know what, I give up. Why don't you just debate everything and sort it all out.

I have tried to get a simple list of top wishes which we can debate at length when complete but you just can't leave it alone. It was really interesting watching PHEV owners provide their top three, some of which I hadn't thought of. - But having asked you politely to have discussions elsewhere you have persisted so I suggest you have at it and discuss as much as you want. I am done with this thread.
If you cannot handle a bit of well meant and respectfully brought advice, that's too bad .... :|

Dear mods, (how) can I add a poll for this to thew forum? If new entries are added to polls later on, are earlier votes lost?
I'm with Bilbo on this, the thread was specific to listing top 3, and most of the posters have actively been involved in all the other threads where these items have been discussed. I was looking forward to Bilbo's consolidated results to see overall opinion.
Olibol said:
:shock: :roll: :lol:

I thought it was all a bit laid back and friendly on here. Is this myoutlanderphev's first flounce?

Hi Olibol - No flouncing!! (Great word by the way :) ) I just got very frustrated!!
Ozukus said:
I'm with Bilbo on this, the thread was specific to listing top 3, and most of the posters have actively been involved in all the other threads where these items have been discussed. I was looking forward to Bilbo's consolidated results to see overall opinion.
So was I. And all I did was respectfully suggest that he puts this consolidated list in his opening post, so that the overview is maintained and easily accessible, while we discuss what is actually meant by specific items, in cases where it is not clear. What's the point in knowing somebody likes to have e.g. EV Drive if you can't ask him to clarify what he means by EV Drive? :(
So, the process would be:

- People post their top 3, one post each
- If somebody sees something in one of the posts that he doesn't understand or of which he thinks it is ambiguous, he can send the poster a PM asking them to clarify. Or open a separate thread on it
- If necessary, the poster can update his own contribution to this thread

That way? I can see that happen.
1. One-buttom klick in the app to start the heater NOW (and run for 10 min).
2. Be able to run the heater (low output) & drive on EV.
3. Select 6/10/16 amp (10 default) on the box (not fixed 10).

/Cold Sweden

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