Make your wipers stand up when you turn off the car

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New member
Oct 2, 2018
Last winter I used a windscreen cover during the frosty period, and there was something to press so the wipers would turn on for just one wipe and then stand straight up so you could use them to help weigh down the windscreen cover. I've forgotten what you do, and I can't find it in the manual, can't work out how to phrase it to Google it, and even contacted Mitsubishi and they said it isn't a feature on this car - it certainly is, I did it every day from November to April!

Does anyone know what I need to do? Thanks.
I'm normally using the automatic rain detection for activate wipers ... and I don't use any extra care in winter

Still ... recently I activate manually the wipers and then I switch off the car .. to my surprise the wipers have been left in the exact position at the time I press the start/stop button. ... I then put back wipers in automatic mode, and switch on again the car, and the wipers come back to the normal "stand by position"

I can't recall if my car was in READY MODE or in "Stand By Mode" ... but the outcome was to have the wipers let "exposed" in the middle of the front window

I would suggest you try, I'm sure you will find a way to switch off the car while the wipers are "outside" and keep them in position by switch off the car.
There is the option to turn on the wiper and then turn off the car and try to catch them in the right position, but if it doesn't work properly I would have to re-start the car and try again. There is definitely a mechanism to stop the car then have the wipers come on and specifically do half a wipe and stay there, I just can't find it now!
I've just tried to discover what this phenomenon could be - but without success. The wipers do work in the 'orange light' power button auxillary position, but don't work at all in any of the wiper switch option positions, if the power button is in the totally 'off' position. So I don't know how this could be. Has the car been serviced since this last occured? Could it have been some weird electrical anomaly that an electrical firmware update may have since overridden? My GX4h when unattended and not in use, used to frequently make a beeping noise from the dashboard (the same beeping noise it makes just after the car is locked, see 'occasional constant beeping from bonnet area' post) but after an annual - I think year 3 - service, it's never done it since.

The only weird **** I've ever come across involving the wipers is when I managed to completely flatten my auxillary battery, to the point where all the electrics became completely unresponsive and slightly barmy. The rear wiper kept going off intermittently (and very slowly) and it wasn't even switched on at the time.

Has your PHEV not got the cabin pre-heat facility? You haven't mentioned which model version/age it is. It warms up the car as well as clearing the windscreen - which is nice.
Last year I got this information easily online from some kind of service book, it's actually a feature of the car. It was designed specifically for this purpose, so the wipers would stand to secure a car cover onto the screen. I know there's a sequence of events, whether you have to turn it off then turn the auto frequency thing, turn it off then use the single wipe, turn it off then switch it to INT, put it in Park then do something in particular, I just can't remember it. I can't work out why it's so hard to find now! I didn't know it did it until I bought a winscreen heater pad and the instructions said some cars can do this, I looked it up for this car and instantly found what you do. Every search I do just tries to sell me new wiper blades or show me a video of how to fit them. If I can't think of the exact text, though, it's unlikely to show up. I've been trying things like "wipers stand up" but if that isn't what they have called it in the instructions it won't give a result. Trying to think how else to describe it. :?

It won't have been for a service since I last used it, as we had frost right into April and the service is done in October/November (it's just coming up).

It's a 2015 3(UK), I didn't have any other choices because it's a Motability lease. There's no form of electric heat whatsoever apart from the rear windscreen/door mirror demister. I use the windscreen heat pad to de-ice it, as I can't reach to scrape the ice, and even if I did it just freezes up again if it doesn't get heated.

I guess I will have to go back to starting it up and turning it off and jabbing at random buttons till I find it. I don't think it was all a very weird dream :lol:
Hmm, interesting - tell me about your childhood... Or maybe you're right - found this on Nissan Leaf forum "If you turn your Leaf off and during short period of time push & hold wiper stalk upwards wipers will raise in "change wiper position". So maybe there's a secret, hidden 'change wiper positon' on the PHEV too? Perhaps intended for dealer service personel only, so they can charge you lots of money to change your wiper blades when you can't figure out how to do it yourself?

I'l have a go sometime today and see if I too can penetrate the 'secret wiper world' of the PHEV...

Well I did just have a go - if you turn the power button into full-on, ready to go 'blue light' position, then turn it off again, and then push the wiper stalk to the full-up to the top position straight away, two beeps occur. Nothing else does but two beeps - I wonder why? Tried the wiper stalk in every other position but nothing happened. These two beeps are an odd thing though - perhaps something else in combination with pushing the stalk upwards might induce the wipers to move?

I service my own Smart Fortwo every year myself and therfore have to re-set the service reminder symbols. The procedure to do this requires magician-like reflexes to do all the things needed to get it to successfully re-set. Every year it takes me around 8 attempts using a YouTube video. I think most cars have this sort of thing hidden in their systems if you only know where to find them.
Night PHEVer
I think you will find that doing that sequence you have just described is what you do to switch off The car interior ultrasonic protection for instance when you leave a dog in the car and activate the alarm

So ... we find a procedure for make our PHEV to make two extra beeps ? :geek:

I would be more interesting to know how to avoid some beeping from our PHEV

Anyhow ... to put up the wipers is mega easy ...

Just switch on the car .. start the wipers in constant but slow moving mode .. (it is the 2nd click from the lever .. since upper level is wipers off, 1st level is automatic, and 2nd is slow)

The wipers move slow enough that I can switch off the car while these are on upper position

It take 2 seconds, and almost no skill .. 98% repeatable I would say