Well-known member
I pretty much just finished my first tank and have made 12.500km so far.
barry said:maddogsetc said:at 1418 miles today I finally bit the bullet and filled up with petrol for the first time since the day I collected the car.
I'd actually forgotten how to open the filler flap and had to consult the handbook. Even then I didn't find it easily - luckily the petrol station was quite quiet!
So I now know for certain that 32.4 litres gets me 1411 miles or about 2270 km. My Road Trip app tells me I'm getting 198mpg - it's a shame the car can't tell me but it is, as we all now know, at least one digit short of a full statistic.
Adding in the cost of electricity (whether or not I've paid for it personally) I get to an overall fuel cost of 7.5p/mile.
I'm pretty confident I could have achieved my target of 1500 miles from one tank but chose to fill up a little early as I happened to have a Sainsburys 10p/litre voucher from and didn't want to have to pay full price, being as I may not be visiting another petrol station for a couple of months :lol:
Now, if only I could find a way of making the weekly shop at Sainsburys last as long as a tank of petrol...
Wow, 1418 miles and you werent even empty. What kind of drives do you have? rather short trips with charging in between every drive? i cant really imagine doing this with my daily drive to work of about 60 km. Unfortunatly i cant charge at work, that costs me a lot, would be nice to be fully charged at work. Maybe i can convince the guys to offer a station to recharge sometime in the future
:lol: :lol:Tristar500 said:I am under increasing pressure from the family to close the sunroof and put the heating on!
NEVER, Never, never!