How many miles (or km) have you managed on one tank?

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On the other extreme, I have traveled over 12,000km without plugging in to recharge this year. I do expect to routinely drive more EV in a local environment, and possibly get the 1500-2000km per tank. Have had a PHEV for over a year now, and it has been difficult to not make a trip to the city, at least every month, and this wipes out any effort to be petrol frugal. There is always next month.
first week managed 648 miles on 36 litre petrol
2nd week manged 580 miles on 35 litre petrol

Best wishes
barry said:
maddogsetc said:
at 1418 miles today I finally bit the bullet and filled up with petrol for the first time since the day I collected the car.

I'd actually forgotten how to open the filler flap and had to consult the handbook. Even then I didn't find it easily - luckily the petrol station was quite quiet!

So I now know for certain that 32.4 litres gets me 1411 miles or about 2270 km. My Road Trip app tells me I'm getting 198mpg - it's a shame the car can't tell me but it is, as we all now know, at least one digit short of a full statistic.

Adding in the cost of electricity (whether or not I've paid for it personally) I get to an overall fuel cost of 7.5p/mile.

I'm pretty confident I could have achieved my target of 1500 miles from one tank but chose to fill up a little early as I happened to have a Sainsburys 10p/litre voucher from and didn't want to have to pay full price, being as I may not be visiting another petrol station for a couple of months :lol:

Now, if only I could find a way of making the weekly shop at Sainsburys last as long as a tank of petrol...

Wow, 1418 miles and you werent even empty. What kind of drives do you have? rather short trips with charging in between every drive? i cant really imagine doing this with my daily drive to work of about 60 km. Unfortunatly i cant charge at work, that costs me a lot, would be nice to be fully charged at work. Maybe i can convince the guys to offer a station to recharge sometime in the future

got a coupon code from too, worked pretty well.
Hi All,

The best that I have managed to date is 2568 miles from 39.14 litres which equates to 298mpg. That was over a 10 week period from 30/05/15- 08/08/15. So I filled up again 7 weeks ago and have so far done 1360 miles on around 11.36 litres (this is an estimate based on having 7 fuel bars lit but the 7th must be about to go out soon!) so averaging around 544mpg at the moment on this tank. Trying manfully to break my own record but as the days get colder I am under increasing pressure from the family to close the sunroof and put the heating on!

NEVER, Never, never!