Goldfinger said:
Also, what can we do to the Outlander other than mats even though it's a lease car - what are we allowed to do to it etc??
I have the same issue as you, lease car so not wanting any permanent changes. So I avoided the boot bumper protector as it sticks on. Here's a few things I did:
(1) a boot tray liner off eBay for £27, this is the one (not via eBay)
(2) a simple 5 min upgrade with the lights (leave the dipped HIDs alone, they are fine, its the sidelights and main beam that could do with a tweak. Some users rate the Osram Nighbreakers, I bought the Ring ones for £20 incl delivery. Plan on swapping back the factory fit main beam and sidelight bulbs before handing the car back in 2017! Bilbo summed up nicely in topic "headlamp upgrade", I copied lots of his ideas.
(i) the £5 LED sidelights -
(ii) the £20 Ring main beam Xenons
(3) rubber inserts into all the cubbyholes that are glow-in-the-dark (£15 from china, currently not listed/out of stock)
there's another thread about the DRL's and converting them to LEDs. Either pay Mitsu £300 (list) for OEM, or a bit of drill work required to the housing so I've not done yet...keeping my eye open for the right LED.
If you do a fair bit of travel a bespoke bag set to fit the boot exactly is here:
hope that helps!