anko said:BMU thinks SOC = X and Capacity is Y. Based on X and Y, BMU thinks a certain amount of charge should be added before reaching the target cell voltage. If that cell voltage is reached earlier or later, then apparently either the SOC or the Ah number was incorrect -> Error.
Is that the idea? Maybe I should have said "coulomb count" instead of kWh?
I expect charging process to not consider any SOC
Charging a lithium battery is always about constant current charge, (more for convention/convenient then for anything else) , follow by a constant volt charge (4.1v per cell should be never exceeded)
So .. charging should be about a flow of current (variable at end of charge process), that has nothing to do with SOH and SOC ... still measuring the flow, the BMU could use this parameter for check and re calibrate SOH of the battery
Only issue is that by definition, charge from 30% up to 100%, needs more Ah, then the current available at discharge 100% to 30% ... so .. there must be some correction factor if this value need to be used by the BMU ... actually checking some diagram here: ( slow charge and slow discharge .. shows almost the same current in mAh ... so .. maybe it is used directly without any factor (clearly this is different then the kwh from AC charging side , since the inverter AC-DC has a efficiency impact to be consider, especially at 16A charge, )