Hello Colleagues 
I'll give you the chronology first and then describe the issue below. I'll try to be as concise as possible so that you don't have to read a lot.
2018 Outlander GT, Canada
67000 odometer
25.3Ah capacity
14km of range at full charge on the display
from -10 to -15 outside (Celsius)
Garage, is insulated, attached to the house, and not heated. (+10 Celsius inside the garage)
1) Dealer did cell smoothing and the "Reset" (is what they called it)
They returned the car with about 30% of the charge and 15km (at 30% charge) of range on the display and I thought they fixed it. But overnight at the full charge the car showed 14km of range again.
* While doing this procedure I didn't have PHEV Watchdog, so I didn't know the parameters at that time
2) I bought a license (Kolyandex) and performed DBCAM (With the reset of Batt. capa. estimated info. and Control information). However, I forgot to update the millage and battery range.
After the DBCAM I got 27.7Ah, which dropped to 27.5Ah. Range at the display got up to 17km
3) I didn't like the result and performed the DBCAM the following night (With the reset of Batt. capa. estimated info. and Control information). This time I typed in battery age and millage AFTER I turned the car off before the DBCAM itself.
The result the next morning was the same 27.7Ah but the range on the screen was 18km.
4) I didn't like the result
and performed the DBCAM the following night (With the reset of Batt. capa. estimated info. and Control information). This time I typed in battery age and millage BEFORE I turned the car off before the DBCAM itself.
The result in the morning was 27.7Ah again but with 25km of range on display. However, it dropped to 17km 2 minutes after I pulled out of my garage.
Watchdog results for #2, 3 and 4 are in the tall screenshot.
I also found a weird reading. On the screen where you input millage and battery age, in the "Stop time back up(month)" field the value is 49710 (screenshot attached), which is over 4000 years
. Not sure if that should be there. Also, after I entered the age and millage values I just hit ok and MUT says "Executed", but if I enter the same page the fields are blank.
Guys, I am a mechanical engineer with an appropriate diploma
Electronics is not my strong side, but I can get a sense of technology. I think that I do something wrong, and it's evident as there is no result. But I can't figure out what I should do differently.
Please help
as there is no way 67000 millage batter dropped to 27.7Ah.
Thanks a million for your input
I'll give you the chronology first and then describe the issue below. I'll try to be as concise as possible so that you don't have to read a lot.
2018 Outlander GT, Canada
67000 odometer
25.3Ah capacity
14km of range at full charge on the display
from -10 to -15 outside (Celsius)
Garage, is insulated, attached to the house, and not heated. (+10 Celsius inside the garage)
1) Dealer did cell smoothing and the "Reset" (is what they called it)
They returned the car with about 30% of the charge and 15km (at 30% charge) of range on the display and I thought they fixed it. But overnight at the full charge the car showed 14km of range again.
* While doing this procedure I didn't have PHEV Watchdog, so I didn't know the parameters at that time
2) I bought a license (Kolyandex) and performed DBCAM (With the reset of Batt. capa. estimated info. and Control information). However, I forgot to update the millage and battery range.
After the DBCAM I got 27.7Ah, which dropped to 27.5Ah. Range at the display got up to 17km
3) I didn't like the result and performed the DBCAM the following night (With the reset of Batt. capa. estimated info. and Control information). This time I typed in battery age and millage AFTER I turned the car off before the DBCAM itself.
The result the next morning was the same 27.7Ah but the range on the screen was 18km.
4) I didn't like the result
The result in the morning was 27.7Ah again but with 25km of range on display. However, it dropped to 17km 2 minutes after I pulled out of my garage.
Watchdog results for #2, 3 and 4 are in the tall screenshot.
I also found a weird reading. On the screen where you input millage and battery age, in the "Stop time back up(month)" field the value is 49710 (screenshot attached), which is over 4000 years
Guys, I am a mechanical engineer with an appropriate diploma
Please help
Thanks a million for your input