Definitely does recharge battery in Save mode!

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For me the car is essentially a true hybrid. I use the car for longer trips essentially running petrol only, and the local and city drives are electric only. The one car does both, only not at the same time. Trouble is the car has been supplied with the switch stuck in the EV only position when powered ON. All I want is to have the choice and by providing a simple long press interface of a SAVE or CHARGE mode button, I should be able to provide functionality the car should have been designed to have from day of release.

My solution will work to preserve the battery during highway travel to allow it to be used at the driver discretion. If the driver opts to not need it then the driver just would not select that option. Presently there is no automatic memory of a mode and the driver is required to consistently manually select what could be an automatic process. I don't believe that ECU memory is in so short supply that the car could not have a user preference selection stored for next time.

My work around had been to avoid powering the car OFF.

My experience is that on a longer trip that at some time during a day, with more than a couple of stops that the driver will at some point not press a button and then spend some time cursing that the battery has run down too far for the power needs ahead. For those drivers who only have a 20km round trip, they will never know. Hopefully these are a minority. The car is really a petrol car with electric motors and battery, but default settings are for electric. I intend to give the driver the ability to select the option that best suits them that can be remembered by the car.

Looks like the centre console comes out reasonably easily, so I should be able to check out the switches, and take some measurements.

I am not a fan of visible mods to a car that may affect resale or lease arrangements, so there will be no additional holes for new switches etc.