Cruise Control top speed limited to 115 km/h

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Sep 14, 2024
Hi guys,
Got myself 2018 Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV 2.4 - an import from Japan.
Turns out it's Cruise Control is limited to max 115 km/h (probably some forced limits in Japan).
Anyone knows how to get rid of that limit?
Ok, now I know it's normal for Japan import cars.
So, it's a matter finding someone who can get rid of that limit.
If anyone from Ireland would see this and know a guy, let me know please.
Is this tied into the new EU requirement for fitting speed limiters on new car purchases - if so, it might be illegal to try to get round it in Ireland?
Is this tied into the new EU requirement for fitting speed limiters on new car purchases - if so, it might be illegal to try to get round it in Ireland?
No, it's not about removing the speed limit on the car, whatever it would be set to.

It is about removing the limit that is set by Japan legislation on Cruise Control itself.

For example, if I go on holidays and drive through Germany's motorway, I could turn up my Cruise Control to whatever speed I want, let's say 150 km/h and just keep driving like that.

With this car I got, imported from Japan, the max speed I can set while using Cruise Control is 115 km/h, and I want to get rid of that.
You're right, if I would use the car just for driving in Ireland... you could even argue that motorways are not long enough to even use CC at all :)

I intend to travel with the car through Europe though.

Anyway, whatever the reason, I still want the limit gone :)
Well, I am able to use my cruise control to whatever level I want. Just last week I had to go to the airport 125 km away and our flight was leaving at 7 am and we had to be there no later than 5:30 Traffic was minimal at that time of the morning and so I set my CC to 125 km/hr and never had any problem. Of course not in EV nor B3/B5 but norm and ECO on.
I must admit that I did select SAVE when I was down to half on my battery scale knowing that I would like to use EV coming home a week later and in heavier traffic, but I was still in CC until getting to the airport. Coming home was a different story we were in the thick of traffic all the way home taking and hour and half using B5 all the ay but not much down hill but plenty of braking at an average of say 60/80 kph.
Long and short; I used CC, Saved some electric power and on getting home I managed to use 45% electric and consumed 6.9 L/100km. leaving me with just under half a tank of gas.
Well, I am able to use my cruise control to whatever level I want. Just last week I had to go to the airport 125 km away and our flight was leaving at 7 am and we had to be there no later than 5:30 Traffic was minimal at that time of the morning and so I set my CC to 125 km/hr and never had any problem. Of course not in EV nor B3/B5 but norm and ECO on.
I must admit that I did select SAVE when I was down to half on my battery scale knowing that I would like to use EV coming home a week later and in heavier traffic, but I was still in CC until getting to the airport. Coming home was a different story we were in the thick of traffic all the way home taking and hour and half using B5 all the ay but not much down hill but plenty of braking at an average of say 60/80 kph.
Long and short; I used CC, Saved some electric power and on getting home I managed to use 45% electric and consumed 6.9 L/100km. leaving me with just under half a tank of gas.
Not much on topic, but cheers for sharing :)
You might want to take a look at MUT coding.

It seems to be a lower level access to vehicule setup. I haven't gone there myself so I'd be no use to you.
There was some talk about that on Richy Jenning's Facebook page.
or have a look here:
or here

Let us know how you get on.

PS: Max limit on French motorways is 130 Km/h when not raininh, limited to 110 in the rain.
I am routinely setting my adaptive cruise control at 80 mph (~130kph) with out any issues. I know I've set it significantly higher than that when traveling through the desert Southwest of the US some years ago.

2018 GT North American