It is -23ºC here today. I preheated the car with the new App in the garage then started driving in EV Normal mode. After about five minutes I noticed the HVAC was putting out cold air. There were no messages and the engine did not start to add heat. I eventually had to start the engine to get heat.
After parking in the garage (0ºC) for a few minutes I started the car in again and could hear the heat pump starting up and delivering heat normally.
Drove it out of the garage with the window open so I could hear the heat pump running and just waited in the driveway to see what would happen. After only about three minutes I could hear the heat pump winding down and shortly thereafter the engine started.
So I guess the Mitsubishi Heat pump is not able to run at these temperatures.
The second time I ran the car it seemed to transition to engine heat on its own. Not sure why it didn't do that the first time without any warning messages.
Day Two:
Same temperature this morning. In the garage at 0ºC couldn't get the heat pump to turn on with the App. Just blew cold air. Tried accessory mode from inside car, no luck. Had to unplug and start the car before the heat pump would turn on. Parked in the driveway after 3 minutes heat pump turned off. Saw the message "To Warm Up Cabin More, Turn Off EV Mode". Engine started on its own in EV mode.
Drove the car for about 25 minutes. Started off in EV Mode. Eventually the Engine shut off and I got the same message again. Then the cabin air cooled quickly. So it looks like when driving you can prioritize not running the engine but the heat pump is not running. So you have to switch EV mode off and use the engine heat. Only takes a couple of minutes to get hot air from Engine and then you can get five or six minutes of good heat even in EV mode if you like. We have two 120V outlets in the car. Wonder if running 1,500W of electric heat would be enough to stay warm in these temperatures.

I just read the manual and it says max is 1,500W combined and not to use appliances that produce heat....
My 2017 Leaf had a heat pump that would run at any temperature. Not sure why Mitsubishi has to turn the pump completely off. Why not just give us the heat that it is capable of at the lower temperatures?