As far as I can tell, the cycle is run on battery till depleted, - run ice, excess energy used to top up battery until sufficient is available to use battery. 'normal' mode depletion = 0k estimate range, 'sufficient' = 1k range. Save mode sets 'depleted to whatever it is currently, and ' sufficient ' is that plus 1k. So it will cycle around your set point. Charge mode sets' sufficient ' to be 80% charge, so it won't cycle, just accumulate charge.
Both these modes are useful to retain some battery for a slow speed, or high load, part of your trip. Slow speed because "series" mode is less efficient, and high load because that provides some extra 'boost' capacity.
I seriously doubt, apart from avoiding series mode, it makes much difference to overall economy.
Guessing what point to turn charge off to arrive home with 0 battery is a fun exercise on boring trips though...
Regards Russell
It is good to know that depletion =0 km, sufficient = 1 km. This means in normal driving condition, ICE runs for charging 1 km power, which is about 0.3 kwh.
Since you used distance unit as K, I guess it is Km, not mile. I live in US.
Saying in different expression, when the battery is lowest level and in normal driving mode, ICE continuously runs after 1 km and charge 0.3 Kwh.
I wonder when the car sets series mode or parallel mode. Can we do it by selecting mode?
As fa as I know, charge and save mode consumes more gas for the distance it covered by electric motor. When idling in charge mode, 6,2 liter gas for 48km distance (See You Tube recorded by Mitsubishi sales man). That 6.2 liter gasoline can drive 161 km. You may know that save mode is not for saving gasoline. It mean save battery level as it is, disregarding current battery level. So Charge mode and Save mode is running ICE more than normal Hybrid condition. It cause more gas than normal consume rate, despite charged battery can add some distance of EV mode.
I like to use charge mode when I do trips that are somewhat longer than the 40 mile pure EV range that I typically get with our 23 Outlander. My daughter lives 55 miles away so I start with a full charge and then about 30 miles in I will switch to charge so that I have battery left for City driving. Also, I don’t like to use charge at speeds below 45 mph.
Here in forum, I found 2 different opinion for fuel efficiency while driving.
First one is that charge mode in high speed will save gas since saved electric energy can be used for city high traffic condition.
Another one is that charge mode in high speed consumes more gas than normal drive.
Mitsubishi Manual says "Use charge mode 20minutes before uphill so that electric motor will add power when climbing the uphill". But not mentioned fuel efficiency. Some other user manual says the same thing.
By searching here and there, I believe that charge mode or save mode will consume more gas than normal mode. I don't have exact extra consuming gas quantity, but the additional distance we can get it by charged energy is shorter than the additional distance we can get from extra gas if we use it as normal mode. By charge mode, if we use 1 gallon more than normal mode, we can charge 7.6kwh of energy save. We can extend 15.2 miles of distance with 7.6kwh of energy, according to the data sheet. But if we use 1 gallon for driving instead of charging battery, we can get 26 miles average in Hybrid mode. This is the just calculation. One guy used charge mode in highway and use battery during city drive but lost 3.8 gallon during 300 mile distance. Please don't stick on the numbers, and look at the fact that consumes more gas when we use charge mode while driving.
If you don't agree with the result of my search, you don't have to worry about. You can test it by yourself in the same journey by using charge mode and not using charge mode. And then you can compare the test result. That is is true answer. Considering there are many variables, test it several times, then you will be happy the rest of your driving with this car.
In My case, I drive less than 10-20 miles per driving, 2-3 times a week. I can use EV mode all for the life of my car. Therefore, my personal concern is not fuel efficiency, but how to extend good condition of Gasoline in the tank for a year.