Criminal gangs are believed to be targeting easily identifiable models such as the Toyota Prius and Lexus 400h, because hybrids contain more precious metals than other vehicles.
The surge in thefts is believed to be linked to the soaring value of two of the metals used in catalytic converters, rhodium and palladium, with gangs stripping the parts and selling them overseas.
Rhodium is trading at double its price at the start of the year and more than eight times its 2016 value.
Some Honda & Toyota models from 2015 onwards, have the catalytic converter placed within the engine bay, similar to the Mitsubishi Phev (pictured below),
so a thief would need to disassemble the car to get at it.
The Mitsubishi Phev has a very limited ground clearance like most cars so thiefy would need to jack up the car or open the bonnet.
I believe the catalytic converter was incorporated onto the exhaust manifold on earlier models of Phev.