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Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV Forum

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  1. M

    Problems after changing 12V battery

    "So dead it wouldn't jump start," Was the battery still attached to the car circuits ? Components damaged due to an over-voltage charger ?
  2. M

    Outlander PHEV 2014 Doesn't Charge Caravan Battery

    What is the Anderson connected to in the car ? Perhaps it's on the rear lights circuit !
  3. M

    RBS not smooth, shocking. Any ideas?

    Modulated braking like the OP describes is how the ABS handles panic braking. In between the ABS pulses on the real brakes the OP is seeing regen pulses going to the battery. Sounds like an ABS fault. No warning lights on the dash?
  4. M

    another cold weather issue thread. Iam in real trouble.

    Deserved it for calling the car "junk" IMO.
  5. M

    another cold weather issue thread. Iam in real trouble.

    Take the 12V Aux battery indoors to warm up, then charge it. Not the "junk cars" fault that you don't maintain it.
  6. M

    My spare tyre solution. with photo's.

    My 2014 has a jack strapped into a shaped compartment under the rear cargo area floor. With the wheel-brace and jack handle on clips on the inside cover of the compartment behind the charge ports.
  7. M

    Trunk Battery

    The problem is that "Low Temp" Lithium batteries can work down to -20. But most become troublesome below 32F freezing point. If the spec isn't checked you have a problem Houston.
  8. M

    Trunk Battery

    I've just read an article on the PHEV that suggests that Lithium 12V Aux Battery replacements can fail at sub-freezing temperatures, leaving the car stranded due to neither the EV or ICE systems being able to power up. Because of this some Lithium AGM replacements have a built in heater, though...
  9. M

    Outlander Phev In-Depth Observations - Mike Mas

    There are separate posts of the AGM 12V Aux battery being replaced with Lithium 12V. The Mike Mass article reckons that battery could fail at sub-freezing temps,stranding the PHEV.
  10. M

    Parking with camera

    I don't have cameras, but would expect the R camera to go off when you go to F. When you first start the car and go to F, does the F camera come on immediately ?
  11. M

    Blown plug on granny charger

    RCD will sense earth leakage. RCBO will sense earth leakage AND over-current, so is a combined RCD and MCB. I believe a GFCI is a RCD.
  12. M

    Trunk Battery

    I didn't replace the original 12V battery on my 2014 until 2023, after I'd realised how crucial it was to starting the car. It had only done 31K miles and was reading 12.14V off-load. So is it the age, the mileage, or the number of starts that matter ? I replaced with: Optima Yellow Top Battery...
  13. M

    EV mode not available

    Next morning what range did the dashboard "guessometer" show ? Normally the gas engine will only cut in if you accelerate really hard. Or if the guessometer is at zero. Or with some years and models, if the heater/aircon is required.
  14. M

    Accelerator pedal too soft on 2024 PHEV

    Nothing more excruciating than holding your foot poised over a soft pedal on a long journey. Is there a return spring missing ? Though I suspect even the throttle body is "drive by wire". I have to say that in my 2014 it's not a problem
  15. M

    Accelerator pedal too soft on 2024 PHEV

    Saw a video where the owner reported to the garage that the acceleration had become very slow. The soft toy lodged under the pedal might have been a factor. Try that !
  16. M

    2023 PHEV Tire Issue

    I had to replace two front tyres some miles after the trackrod ends were replaced and the toe-in was set neg instead of pos (or vice-versa). No ABS or Traction Control complaints. Have you been routinely swapping the wheels back to front to back as advised in the Owner's Manual ?
  17. M

    Smoking brakes

    When I've not used mine for a few wet days there's a "clunk" as the front pads unstick from the rusty discs. But never had jammed brakes
  18. M

    Sound generator

    Depends on the year I'd say. My 2014 AVAS is inoffensive.
  19. M

    Sound generator

    Why do you want to disconnect this safety feature ? Going to replace it with a Dodge Viper exhaust sound generator ? :)
  20. M

    Front wipers stopped working?

    This explanation may not be totally accurate. There's a switch in the wiper motor or its gearbox that allows the wipers to return to the park position when the wipers are turned off by the driver. So there are two power connections. One from the driver's wiper switch. Another permanent feed to...