Battery condition check

Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV Forum

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I bought the Vgate iCar Pro BLE 4.0 from Amzn and it works perfectly with my 2016 Phev and using the free Phev Watchdog app on an Android tablet.
I was at 70.8% at end of November so probably just under 70% now. It used to take about 9kW to charge when relatively new, and now gets to 7.2kW so allowing for losses I have realistically got about 6.5kW usable and since they only allow us 70% of available capacity (9kW of 12kW) they might calculate things at 72% currently. I suspect they will charge me to perform the DBCAM procedure when I get it serviced shortly to increase available capacity and it will will probably change this to just above 70%, and when I check it again when 8 year warranty expires in April it probably won't qualify for a new battery :eek:(

My local (ex) Mitsubishi dealer charge £132.00 for the overnight battery test (full charge, followed by full discharge, all software updates etc). Had it done last week. Battery capacity now at 76%, 2014 MY Gx4HS, 60K miles. Matches to within 2% of PHEV watchdog.
It is Livery Dole in Marsh Barton, Exeter. Now Subaru but were Mitsubishi when I bought the car from them. Same technicians with them as when I purchased. A good dealer all round IMO.
Exeter is a bit far for me from Hertfordshire, but useful for others I am sure. You are very lucky to have found a decent Mitsubishi Phev dealer!

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