wifi problems

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Feb 6, 2024
I've had my 2018 Outlander for a couple of years and am not convinced that the wifi is working. I have been through the 10 lock/unlock cycles several times and get the beep, as per the manual. When I look on my Iphone, I see the Outlander network, but when I try to connect to it, the phone tells me 'No internet connection'. Also, it tells me that the 'legacy access point' is 802.11b, which will give 'sub optimal performance' and that I should upgrade the router to 802.11n/ac. I've no idea how to do this or even if it is possible. One last thing – when I try to open the remote control app on my phone, it will not allow me to register and gives the error '1103'. (Presumably, the code for no internet connection.)

The car is due its annual service, but I suspect I'll get more sense from the forum than from the Mitsu dealer. Any help most welcome.
Ok, first up there is no internet connection when joined to the car's WiFi as it only provides a private network to access the control functions the car is providing via the app, so that's understandable.

Likewise you can't upgrade the 'router' since there isn't one, so just ignore that message.

Do you have the 4G data turned on too on the phone, as it may need that to permit internet access if that is needed to register the app/car?

My android phone connects fine tho tbh there's not so many functions that are useful for me, I don't do timed charging/pre-heating etc. It is however useful to update some of the vehicle settings since my head unit isn't the OEM SDA unit so I have no other access to those settings.
I've had my 2018 Outlander for a couple of years and am not convinced that the wifi is working. I have been through the 10 lock/unlock cycles several times and get the beep, as per the manual. When I look on my Iphone, I see the Outlander network, but when I try to connect to it, the phone tells me 'No internet connection'. Also, it tells me that the 'legacy access point' is 802.11b, which will give 'sub optimal performance' and that I should upgrade the router to 802.11n/ac. I've no idea how to do this or even if it is possible. One last thing – when I try to open the remote control app on my phone, it will not allow me to register and gives the error '1103'. (Presumably, the code for no internet connection.)

The car is due its annual service, but I suspect I'll get more sense from the forum than from the Mitsu dealer. Any help most welcome.
Not that it helps, but my experience is exactly as yours. I have had the (2020) car since the end of February and have tried several times, with the same result. I don't feel any particular lack, but I take the view that if it's supposed to work then it should.

I look forward to more posts on this topic.
Could anybody post what is actually useful with the wi-fi? I can set the charging program, which can be done on the head unit display with more comfort and ease while sitting in the car. The signal doesn't seem to have much range for working with it outside the car. Maybe I'm missing out on a whole treasure trove of cool tricks.
Could anybody post what is actually useful with the wi-fi? I can set the charging program, which can be done on the head unit display with more comfort and ease while sitting in the car. The signal doesn't seem to have much range for working with it outside the car. Maybe I'm missing out on a whole treasure trove of cool tricks.
I live in Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada.

I used to use the Remote CTRL App in winter, to warm up my vehicle or to defrost tge Windshield, while car was plugged in.

In Sep 2022 I traded my 2018 for an 2022 Outlander PHEV 13.8kWh and the App worked great but around Feb 2023 the App quit working.

Dealer advised that Mitsubishi had shut it down. Not sure it was to repair it or remove function

Not happy.

I am using the same phone but will try to set it up again when the weather warms up. Tempurature is still below 0'C here for another week or so.
There is an "old version" and "new version" app - there was an upgrade to the wifi password regime (old ones 8 digits, I think, new ones 13 digits) - and I believe you have to have the new version wifi password to run the new version app . . . main feature of the app in the UK is to change the clock which runs the heater schedule in spring and autumn - this clock seems to be separate from the radio clock (why ? - Mitsubishi !) . . .
Possibly OT or possibly not: has anyone in Australia had any progress with WiFi or app on the 2023 model? The "instructions" aren't helpful because the start button in the car doesn't have a light... and that's just for starters (pun intended, but still not happy).

The dealer told me "not happening here" - as in, the app won't be supported down under for the 2023. Ever, any time soon. But I'm always hopeful that someone else will have hacked their way through another piece of Mitsubishi crapology.
Not that it helps, but my experience is exactly as yours. I have had the (2020) car since the end of February and have tried several times, with the same result. I don't feel any particular lack, but I take the view that if it's supposed to work then it should.

I look forward to more posts on this topic.
also have a 2020 model and the remoted did work on my 'old' android phone (Motorola) but now I have anew phone and I can no longer connect. I dod not use it much except when it was very cold I used it to warm the car and seats but now that I don't have it I don't miss it.
Looking at all your questions I will try to describe my experience and findings with the Mitsu WIFI AP.

1. my findings are related to a 2022 PHEV.

2 I use a Canadian model in Canada.

3. I use Android, Apple may be a bit different.

4. The WIFI range of the PHEV WIFI is very limited. I don't get more than 20m.

5. I do not get why a car manufacturer put so less effort in an AP. to keep it maintained.

OK here the points:

Depending on the model you own, you only can use one out of the three available aps related to the model year. Wrong year, wrong ap, nothing works!

So first you need to figure out which is the correct one.

One main point for the 2022 model is, that the line changed to the new trim only for the combustion engines in 2022. The PHEV 2022 is still the 2021 trim and AP! It changed in 2023 to the new trim.

But with the car manual and documentation, you received a little card with the SSID and password. On that one is a QR code, that brings you to the correct version of the AP. in the play-store.

In the V2 AP. is a demo as well, you should check if the features of the AP make sense for you otherwise just don't bother.

But if you decide to use it, START FRESH!

Reset the amount of registration on the car WIFI.

I found this in the internet.


Start fresh and clear everything.

It worked for me and it still works.

WiFi Reset Procedure:
1. Get in the car and Fully close the Drivers door.
2. IMPORTANT - All steps below must be performed within a total of 30 seconds.
3. Without pressing the brake pedal, press the power button once so that it glows orange (ACC mode).
4. Turn on the Hazard lights.
5. Now quickly alternately press and release the LOCK and UNLOCK buttons on the key fob 5 times, i.e. 10 presses in total. This must be done within 10 seconds of pressing the Power button ON as in (1) above.
6. Listen for one BEEP, followed by 0, 1 or 2 more beeps.
7. Now quickly alternately press the LOCK and UNLOCK buttons on the key fob another 10 times each within 10 seconds, i.e. another 20 presses.
8. Listen for one BEEP, followed by 0 more beeps.

If you only hear a single BEEP, with no following BEEPs, you have successfully reset the WiFi. You can now register 2 new phones with the car again, using the standard procedure (but see Note below). If you hear more BEEPs after the first long BEEP, then its not worked and you should try again following the procedure correctly step by step and within the timings stated.

Switch off the Power button and Hazard lights.

Note: If you reset the WiFi, before you attempt to connect your phone to the car again, you should first remove the Mitsubishi APP from your phone completely.

Once the APP is removed you can then connect your phone with the car WiFi first and only then, after successfully connecting your phone (not the APP) to the car WiFi, should you download and install the APP again. Then of course you must go through the APP procedure.”

Thanks for that from the source I don't find anymore.

Hope that clarifies and helps you
As far as I understand you are looking for the WIFI card?

This card should be in your car documentation / manual or you get it with the key-code for the spare key.

Anyway, if you don't have it, you are anyway out of luck. The WIFI ID you can get, if you step close to your car and heck in your phone the WIFI settings. There you should see the car router like REMOTE..... But you would still need the password. Here you need to see your dealer who should be able to reset the Password.

If your car is in the 2023 body style with still the slim head lights and not with the bullseye square once, you should be able to use the second edition of the app.

In the 2nd edition you also have a demo part. Here you can check what you can do with the app. You decide if this would be all helpful for you to use and all the effort to try to install it.

By the way I was running the complete procedure for 3 times before it finally worked.

>>(The card looks like the attached pictures. The QR code is for the 2nd app.) Don't know how to get the picture in, so no pictures. Sorry<<

If your car has the new body style with the square head lights you install the 3rd edition of the app. But here Mitsubishi has some thing special. You need to sign up for some service to be able to use it. This is the info I got for the app #3.

Hope that helps
We got the password by going to the dealership for our 2020. It took them 20min. I connected to on WIFI but keep getting error 1103 during registration.

I got it to register! I followed this that was missing from instructions above:

Note: If you reset the WiFi, before you attempt to connect your phone to the car again, you should first remove the Mitsubishi APP from your phone completely.
Once the APP is removed you can then connect your phone with the car WiFi first and only then, after successfully connecting your phone (not the APP) to the car WiFi, should you download and install the APP again. Then of course you must go through the APP procedure.
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