Watchdog SOC in Battery History

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user 4416

Well-known member
Jul 31, 2019
Hi All

I can't get Watchdog to display the latest charge in Battery History, nearly always it's an earlier date.

I charged on the 21st June, but latest shown is 12th June.

I've sometimes been able to show the latest, but I'm not sure how !


Thanks GreyBigFoot

From the FAQs I see:

Battery cards are generated only when a change is observed by the App.
Unless a change is detected no card is generated.

Does that mean a change will only be observed if WatchDog is connected while charging ?

The last card on 12th June is Red, as I said I have charged many times since then, usually to about 70-80%.

And a Red card means:

One Red card between Green cards for maximum Battery Charge (State of Charge or SoC) observed above 95% of State of Charge.