Upgrade report, OLD vs. NEW Outlander. Differences found.

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Added a new difference found to the first post.:
Armrest storage compartment now has a light in it, no more digging for coins in the dark :)
zzcoopej said:
Grigou said:
At least 9.0 L/100 km @ 120 kph (GPS) or 125 kph (dashboard).

That is much higher than I get (we both have the old PHEV), I wonder why it could be? What tyre pressure do you run?
After about 5000+km of long trips in the PHEV I get between 6.7 and 7.3 depending on number of occupants, luggage and use of Aircon .
I just completed a 200km trip on a flat battery, speed 114 set on cruise. The MMCS read 7.2 l/100km at the end of the trip with me and 2 kids, boot full to windows, Aircon on however it wasn't a particularly hot day.

- I spoke about 125 kph on the dash, and you speak about 114, isn't it ? So there is a significant gap of 11 kph.

- I spoke about a constant speed of 125 kph and you speak about an average 7.2 measured at the end of a trip

- Fragge spoke about a charged car at the beginning of a trip, not me

But you can be reassured that even on long trips on the motorways, I never reached 9 l/100 km at the end of the trips (for the reason that it is impossible to keep a constant high speed on long trips, of course). Nevertheless, it's easy to keep 125 kph during 10-20 km and measure the consumption just for this short part but resetting the computer.
I tried to answer precisely to Jaycee, by the way ;)
StevePHEV said:
Where is the sun glass storage in the roof?
If you have the GX4h (2016) with the sunroof there's no room for the sunglasses holder. I think there is one on the GX3 (without the sunroof). I don't know what the position was on the older model, but I wouldn't be surprised to find it's the same.
Well I have hunted high and low and can't find one - I have the GX4 with sunroof so guess it's not an option.
ChrisMiller said:
StevePHEV said:
Where is the sun glass storage in the roof?
If you have the GX4h (2016) with the sunroof there's no room for the sunglasses holder. I think there is one on the GX3 (without the sunroof). I don't know what the position was on the older model, but I wouldn't be surprised to find it's the same.

No sunglasses holder on my 2014 Gx3h

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