Yup, I usually never use the screen though. I think that the voice commands are good enough.BobEngineer said:So what does the phone button do?
Does it just take you to the dial screen? do you then have to press - contacts - mobile phone contacts - find the contact - press on the number in the contact - press dial - still lots and lots of keypresses?
anko said:I did a test once, where I held my foot on the brake, engaged the hand brake on top of that and gave full throttle. In that situation, I extracted measurements for outgoing Torque for both the front and rear motor directly from the E-motor ECUs. Both were at the max values as stated in the official documentation. Without moving an inch.
Assuming the ECUs are not lying (why would they), this would mean the motors (or the software) would somehow have to be modified to produce more than max torque at 0 RPM .... I don't think the documentation was updated to reflect something like that? not that that means a whole lot ...
I would like to see a comparison test with both cars accelerating with and without charge engaged. I have a suspicion they managed to tweak the lag of the ICE coming in.anko said:I did a test once, where I held my foot on the brake, engaged the hand brake on top of that and gave full throttle. In that situation, I extracted measurements for outgoing Torque for both the front and rear motor directly from the E-motor ECUs. Both were at the max values as stated in the official documentation. Without moving an inch.
Assuming the ECUs are not lying (why would they), this would mean the motors (or the software) would somehow have to be modified to produce more than max torque at 0 RPM .... I don't think the documentation was updated to reflect something like that? not that that means a whole lot ...
It is not exactly the same. As (in theory) between 0 and 28 km/h both E-motors together cannot handle more than 60 kW anyway, without exceeding max torque. So, until then the battery by itself should be enough. Question is: when will the car decide to start the engine? When the 60kW limit is breached? Or when it expects it will be breached soon.jaapv said:Yes - it makes a difference to have the ICE running when accelerating from a standing start. Without it the first couple of seconds are at half-power. Hence my speculation. Exactly the same thing happens when overtaking from EV-only, the car hesitates as the ICE gets started up. (so press Charge when approaching the situation)
Well, lets see. I am about to create a new topic for this in the Technical Discussion session ....jaapv said:OK, I did not know that, thanks. Interesting point. Still, the balance between ICE and EV and the resulting lags could be the cause of the improved figures.
Fragge said:The improved performance has nothing to do with the ICE, it's not even running at takeoff.
I also have a feeling that the ICE dosen't kick in as often in cold weather, but I need do do more testing to confirm that.
Grigou said:At least 9.0 L/100 km @ 120 kph (GPS) or 125 kph (dashboard).