Update Complete: Updating Software and Moving Servers

Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV Forum

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Active member
Dec 31, 2012
In short, don't panic if the site is unreachable for a period in the next 5-7 days!

Tentatively planned for March 18, 2022

In order to keep the forum running smoothly, we've decided to upgrade the server that this site lives on. Since the server is so much newer and better, we have to upgrade the forum software to a newer version as well.

1. Disable the forum (you'll see a message and be unable to reach the forum)
2. Copy files to new server
3. Point the domain name to the new server

Once your DNS provider updates the new server information, you'll see the forum again, and that means the transfer is finished and you are good to go!
The transfer is complete!

We've upgraded the software, moved to a faster server, and most importantly - we haven't lost any data :)

If you notice anything not working properly, please let me know!

Self signed certificate in Firefox not acceptable.
Went to new site via Myelectriccarforums and site is not https - pressed Continue to http site, backed out of page and loaded again and arrived at this site..
Same problem here with the self singed certificate. Setting up a LetsEncrypt certificate is really not difficult, entirely free and accepted in all browsers
Get this error in Brave (a Chromium clone)
Your connection is not private
Attackers might be trying to steal your information from www.myoutlanderphev.com (for example, passwords, messages or credit cards). Learn more
It's a real PITA to have to go through a 3-step process to open or reopen every webpage, our 4-step when posting :(
I can relate to your frustration as I am well past due to change this site https://www.nzmotorhome.co.nz/forum/search.php?search_id=active_topics to the latest software. My son (also my computer guru) is taking more persuasion than normal to get on with it this time. ;)

Cheers Chris
That's the trouble with breeding children in the hope they will "take on the farm" when you are old. Asked my teenage son to help me move some concrete posts but he declined, as they were "too heavy for him" - leaving the old man to do it on his own. :lol: :lol:

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