Hi Praveen,
When I replaced my first set of tyres, the tyre fitter showed me that there had been much more wear on the front tyres then the rear, but also that all four tyres were showing signs of damage due to under-inflation.
(worn outer edges with more tread remaining in the centre)
On his recommendation, I keep my tyres inflated to 41 psi now.
(And I had after-market internal tyre pressure/temperature sensors fitted along with the new tyres.)
In my case, I go to petrol stations so rarely, I've bought an oil-free air compressor so that I can pump up the tyres easily at home.
I had no idea how useful it is to have pressurised air at home, I'm wishing that I'd bought a compressor 20 years ago.
(Bicycles, wheelbarrow, garden cart, kayak buggy, trailer.)
So far I've resisted the urge to buy more air tools, but I fear it is only a matter of time.