OK, here goes.... Unfortunally the cameraman is my 72year old father who accidentally pushes the wrong buttons (ie volume up´n or down when filming, which then forces the camera app to stop recording and switch to photo mode!

So not so much available video footage as i had hoped.
Atlast I have figured out what is causing the "clonking" metallic sound when reversing... It´s from the boat trailers brakes, when reversing slightly uphil, the trailers weight pushes against the hitch causing the trailer brakes to react and creating the clonk sound. So atleast that is good news (i guess) that there is nothing wrong with any of the motors.
Mitsubishi mechanic told me that they did fix the LDW not working after front windows was recently replaced however the did NOT investigate the engine or perform and troubleshooting due to the fact that chief technician at Mitshubishi Sweden has said that the new recommended max towing weight for Mitsubishi Outlander is maximum 1000KG... Hence "there is nothing wrong".... (i told him that i do not agree or accept that "solution")... If the specs says 1500kg then it is 1500 no more no less.
So i went to the sales guy and asked him what todo if he has sold me a 4WD SUV wich is unable to pull my boat trailer! He told me to wait until Mitsubishis head technician who perhaps has an alternate solution, perhaps new firmware or some kind of fix to boost pulling performance? I dont know...
Only cars so far able to tow my trailer out of the lake is a Subaru and now also a Volvo XC70
As you can see in the video there is a "hump" just in front of the rear wheels, perhaps if that one is dug away it could help a little, although the Volvo and Subaru did not mind... The skid plates helped a little but where too short.