I am quite interested myself as I would like to tow a boat which is fairly heavy. I just compared gear ratios on the Mitsu and regardless of Diesel or Petrol version the difference between 1st and 5th gear is about 5 times. Assuming that 5th gear is roughly the same as the single gear in the PHEV for the ICE. I also assume that this is roughly equivalent to the gear for the electrical engines. I know it is a big assumption and anyone having the correct gear ratio please comment. Now the diesel has maximum torgue at app 2500 rpm which I guess is around 20 km/h in first gear. Then comparing the Diesel in first gear with the PHEV at slow speed the diesel would be 5 times more "powerful". The PHEV having max torque even from 0 rpm. So I am really suspicious over the Mitsu claim on PHEV being able to pull roughly the same weight up a steep hill at slow speed as the Diesel.
Second question is then how you actually even get to start the towing from standing still on say a boat ramp. The PHEV would in theory have an advantage as the max torque is from RPM zero, but here is when the clutch or torque converter comes in. Also bear in mind that the stand still friction is higher than rolling friction so you really need to "jerk" the boat to start. Revving the Diesel to max torque and then realease the clutch and applying full throttle simultaneously would give you an instant "jerk" and then you are off. Doing it wrong burns the clutch but why would you do it wrong

This I have tested several times on other cars.
With the PHEV there is no clutch and hence no jerk. The only way I would think this would work is as follows, note I have not tested this!!
1 Put a log or rock under the trailer wheels to stop it from rolling backwards. Do this whilst the trailer is hooked to the PHEV
2 Put PHEV in reverse and back into the trailer the few centimeters that are possible to take ANY pulling force out of the hitch-trailer connection and maybe role the trailer wheels into the logs a little bit.
3 Apply charge so the ICE is running
4 Traction control OFF
6 Floor it and hope for the best. The idea is to get the PHEV to build momentum in the, say 5 centimeters, it can before the trailer connection kicks in. Or maybe even apply full brake, floor it, wait a short time (maybe less than a second but long enough so you start building power but less than damage or shutdown will happen, have not tried this either) and remove foot from brake.
7 If it moves, do NOT stop until you are on level ground.