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New member
Apr 1, 2016
Just got my PHEV back from its first service and it's only driving in petrol mode. 16 miles showing in my charge, normally it drives automatically in electric unless I press 'save'.
Any ideas?
There is a way of locking it in petrol mode - pressing and holding Charge, if I remember correctly - but I thought that it was reset when you powered the car down.
It could also be in "engine started to maintain fuel system" mode...

That mode is cleared by adding fuel to the fuel tank.
Hi, I got it working again. The blower seemed to be stuck on the lowest point and I couldn't get it off. Fiddled with that and turned engine on and off and eventually it let me go electric.
Scared to turn the blower on ever again mind you.
Thanks for your help!
Varryl said:
Hi, I got it working again. The blower seemed to be stuck on the lowest point and I couldn't get it off. Fiddled with that and turned engine on and off and eventually it let me go electric.
Scared to turn the blower on ever again mind you.
Thanks for your help!
Just the blower? Or the blower and the heater?

What was the cabin temperature at that time? And to what temperature did you set the A/C unit? If the difference between the two is too big, the engine will start and will not switch off until that difference is 'small enough' or the blower is turned off.
Isn't it more likely it was left in ICE on mode by the service mechanics and his fiddling about cleared it? Why didn't he just take it straight back to the garage to sort out :?
greendwarf said:
Isn't it more likely it was left in ICE on mode by the service mechanics and his fiddling about cleared it? Why didn't he just take it straight back to the garage to sort out :?

'He' ie, me is female. Varry is a female name.

Why trawl back to the garage if you can sort something yourself with the help of other helpful PHEV owners on here???!
Varryl said:
greendwarf said:
Isn't it more likely it was left in ICE on mode by the service mechanics and his fiddling about cleared it? Why didn't he just take it straight back to the garage to sort out :?

'He' ie, me is female. Varry is a female name.

Why trawl back to the garage if you can sort something yourself with the help of other helpful PHEV owners on here???!

Sorry about the gender assumption, but you did use the phrase "scared to use to turn the blower on ever again", which suggested you were more concerned than perhaps was true :oops: