I'm already beginning to treat the range estimate as 'for entertainment only'.
With the recent temperatures here in Derbyshire it shows never more than 23 miles range after overnight top up, usually 21 or 22. Best achieved after I got the car in November was 36 estimate.
When outside temps are low I preheat with the car plugged in but with timers off, 10 minutes or so usually, I don't switch it off but rely on the process being cancelled when the car door is opened.
EVBatMon shows battery better than 97% of theoretical manufactured capacity.
I've only had EVBatMon a couple of days and as I've been driving solo in slightly higher temps just relied on seat and wheel heaters and no preheat so haven't been able to check what %SOC showing after preheat.
The other day I started with 21 miles showing but after about 3 miles it was up to 22 after an overall descent using regen when appropriate (and when awake!) but including up hill stretches.
Returned home after covering 20 miles inc stops at two supermarkets with range showing 8 miles left.