From my experience and testing I find there are actually two kinds of balancing procedures used by the PHEV.
My usage involves full charging every day the PHEV leaving in the morning with less than half an hour after charging.
I do 25km to work, leave the car parked there for about 9,5h and by the end of the day I'll do 25km back.
Roughly every once in five the PHEV charges just under 100% of the capacity. Mostly it will charge up to 105-106% of the reported capacity.
When it charges over 100%, I'll lost about 1.5 to 2.5Ah after parking.
When it charges above 100% (which is most of the time) I'll loose nothing or actually gain about 1Ah of charge.
And this is happening every time.
As it will loose rapidly the charge when full, you'll have to measure the readings just after charging, or at least in the next half hour to see it going over 100%.
So with this, I suspect that for the times it charges under 100% it has done a balanced charging, targeting the estimated capacity of the pack.
For all other times it has just charged with no balancing involved, which explains why it is going over 6% of the estimated capacity of the pack.
After arriving at work if I check the min/max and target cell's voltage, target value is always under min value.
When getting back to the car after the 9,5h parking, target is always between min and max value.
Which I think is due to passive balancing from the CMU while parking.
Effectively I won't see differences in EV range, since it's leaving home with an extra 6% and loose those later, or don't loose anything/gain a little.
Still, not the smartest way of dealing with a battery if you'll ask me.