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Jan 14, 2019
On my 2015 Outlander PHEV when the car has been driven until the stored charge of the battery has been used and the car moves to its engine mode I am starting to receive an intermittent alarm on the dashboard monitor for "EV SYSTEM MAINTENANCE REQUIRED". This seems to be the lesser alarm which in the manual advises contacting the dealer for the solution. Another similiar alarm has a higher alert message that tells you not to drive the car. When the car is turned off and restarted this alarm clears until the next time the battery life is used up when the alarm may or may not appear but the frequency is increasing. This alarm so far has made no difference to the cars normal running that I can observe.

I would like to know if this needs immediate attention or is just a timed alarm based on the mileage to advise regular routine maintenance. Or if I need to be more concerned about what the problem is. I am hoping someone else has had a similiar issue and what the actual problems can be.

many thanks for any comments
Topcat said:
driven until the stored charge of the battery has been used and the car moves to its engine mode I am starting to receive an intermittent alarm on the dashboard monitor for "EV SYSTEM MAINTENANCE REQUIRED"

Have you done the DBCAM procedure to try and reset the battery capacity? It's possible this message is due to the battery SOH calculation being invalid.
DBCAM procedure. No I haven,t done that. I take it, its fairly simple procedure and is in the manual? Is this a compensation for battery life reducing over a long length of time?
Will have a look and report back

Topcat said:
DBCAM procedure. No I haven,t done that. I take it, its fairly simple procedure and is in the manual? Is this a compensation for battery life reducing over a long length of time?
Will have a look and report back


I was more suggesting your issues might be a result of doing a DBCAM, however the reverse may also be true (real battery capacity has diverged from calculated capacity). There is an official dealership way, and the "youtube methods" which involve tricking the car into resetting the calculated capacity.