If it's the long-standing (UK only?) DAB issue, the stations haven't been lost, just the labels. So if you can remember which station corresponds to Preset 1, selecting it will take you to that station. A long press will store the station back along with its correct label. But this only lasts until the next time the stations are 'lost' again, which for me is something between 10 minutes and a few hours. My 'solution' (bodge) is to keep the 6 presets on DAB2 all tuned to my favourite station, so when it's lost and reverts to "Virgin something-or-other" I can simply switch to the next station using the selector on the steering wheel and get it back again.
I remain intrigued as to what can possibly cause this issue (it's not confined to PHEVs, MMCS is common across several Mitsubishi models and they can all suffer from it), I've owned my PHEV for 9 years now, and this annoying problem only started a couple of years ago. My guess (based on no evidence other than the timing) is that it's related to the rollout of DAB+ which has 'confused' the software somehow. I think it's happening when the radio ha to switch between DAB multiplexes (which will often cause a couple of seconds break in the signal) - as I live on the boundary between London and Oxford, I experience it frequently.