With the recent news about bigger battery capacities on new BMWs ZOEs and LEAFs due to increased efficiencies should'nt we hearing something from Mitsubishi soon. They are missing a trick in not taking full advantage of their unique PHEV Chadamo outlet. Just got a bill of £0.90 from CYC for use of their rapid at York designer outlets for only 6.36 kWh drawn which used the standard 80% cut off. The dash was showing no EV miles range left and empty battery icon although presumably it had the unavailable 30% reserve.
There are loads of EV drivers who have said they need a basic 50/60 miles EV range before they would consider an outlander so there is a market for a bigger capacity battery and basically there seems little point in having the rapid charge facility with the present battery size particularly when you pay to charge. Also with the 20-25% projected battery degradation what are the prospects of a replacement 20kwh'ish battery upgrade for existing users.
There are loads of EV drivers who have said they need a basic 50/60 miles EV range before they would consider an outlander so there is a market for a bigger capacity battery and basically there seems little point in having the rapid charge facility with the present battery size particularly when you pay to charge. Also with the 20-25% projected battery degradation what are the prospects of a replacement 20kwh'ish battery upgrade for existing users.