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Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV Forum

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  1. Woon Chung

    Waiting time for the Outlander PHEV

    Great again and read a few times more to understand as much as to meet your thoughts. English is not my native language. I have nothing to say on this post, because I don't know much about details of charging algorithm. Maybe they tried to borrow the Adaptive braking concept from other EV...
  2. Woon Chung

    Waiting time for the Outlander PHEV

    Most probably, you're not familiar to PHEV in general. Though, it is very similar in maintaining to regular ICE car. However, understanding Hybrid + big battery isn't that simple as ICE car technology. It's involved with enormous science of electric and electronics. I believe that you know the...
  3. Woon Chung

    2023+ maximum 12v battery charge rate?

    So, 176A max from DC-DC converter to 12V system including Aux battery. 176A x 12VDS = 2,112 W. Among 2,112 w, 30A x 12V=360 watts allowed for trailer, if we use 30A braker. Connecting 20 amp charger will consume 20Amp x 12VDC = 240 Watts. Some guy attached 2500 watts inverter successfully...
  4. Woon Chung

    How long to charge 12V Aux battery using Traction battery ONLY?

    I do not connect my Phone to the module. Because this used car is missing a card of password. Still I am suspicious about using wifi connection, since someone experienced that wifi connection sometime failed and drain 12V aux battery to the bottom after a long time leaving the car alone. Until I...
  5. Woon Chung

    Hiya from Wales!

    I have 1 2022 PHEV since Aug 2024. I bought used one. I've learned a lot of PHEV science not shown in front or in the User Manual. After sometime, I found many users do not understand the reason why the SAVE/CHARGE button exists in this car. So, they use them under their guess as the 2 words...
  6. Woon Chung

    Outlander PHEV Sub-Zero Operation Question

    This arouse me the curiosity. If you prevent ICE cold albeit by force using EV in front, is the battery enough to drive to your work without any charging (your work place is within the distance of battery only coverage)? If your driving distance is longer than battery coverage distance...
  7. Woon Chung


    Perfect. You are the first guy who use this car as if you have professional knowledge on PHEV. The EV exists for whom want to drive quietly in some area. It is EV effect for a certain people's interesting. Not for everyone. Engineers must announce if there is small positive side effect on their...
  8. Woon Chung

    Waiting time for the Outlander PHEV

    What a story! So, you are 100% qualified for the difference/improved between old and new. Is there any remarkable change under the tech point of view? I am just curious. You could be a real source to find the difference between each models. I have 2022 on August 2024. No plan to upgrade. I paid...
  9. Woon Chung


    I am awfully sorrry for responding to your post in my way of understanding. I am a new owner of OUtlander PHEV for 2 months only. And my personal tendency on the new thing is that I dig out all the hidden theoratical background, such as, why do they do that, why it happenes like this, etc. Even...
  10. Woon Chung

    Overall Efficiency

    No problem. I have 2022 in USA.
  11. Woon Chung

    Overall Efficiency

    When we got a new ICE car, searching efficient mode has been flogged to death. Most of the people know the answer is "Slow start and steady speed". As the modern tech makes it possible to use electrons in real life, the "How to use it" becomes an significant issue, since we do not know the...
  12. Woon Chung


    It looks like a miracle to me. It is lot more than regular battery capacity. But if it is true, than you and I have different concept on EV mileage even though we use same word. My concept of EV mileage is to compare the energy efficiency between different cars. According to this concept of...
  13. Woon Chung

    Return to EV mode after gas engine starts

    I think you are good at understanding of PHEV, but there is slightly different idea about more power from Electric Motor. I agree with you that depressing hard on speed pedal will kick ICE, but it works in 2 different ways. First case - Against high power request from driver, the computer...
  14. Woon Chung


    You are right!! If I knew that I HAVE to consume a certain amount of gas to maintain gas freshness, I would have done a comparison calculation between HEV and PHEV. Unfortunately, I bought this car beforehand. I already regret it and I feel sorry that you made me recall my mistake, but what else...
  15. Woon Chung


    Thank you. Great advice all the time