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  1. G

    Outlander PHEV Sub-Zero Operation Question

    Probably for the same reason that in '23 promotional literature and published tech spec's listed a battery heater as standard equipment. Mitsu's lack of quality control...
  2. G

    Spoke to lease company over the lack of battery heater

    Did they give you any indication what they might be doing if anything?
  3. G

    Outlander PHEV Sub-Zero Operation Question

    Good reply-good, relevant real world experience . I can imagine it's hard for AndyInOz to imagine on the ground conditions in our part of the world as it is for me to imagine living somewhere that doesn't go below zero... heck, for 5 months of the year we dispense with the "minus" reference and...
  4. G

    Outlander PHEV Sub-Zero Operation Question

    Not so - in most of Canada and in non-urban areas in particular indoor parking is far from being the rule. Generally ICE only vehicles are supported by plug-in block heaters where the weather is regularly below -15 or colder, and they start and run just fine if maintained. EV's and PHEV's...
  5. G

    Outlander PHEV Sub-Zero Operation Question

    Thanks for the updated letter - keeping the issue current is important. Mitsu would like us to simply let it go. This is essentially the same letter I received in February related to my 23 GT. IMHO it/they have been issued on the company's lawyers recommendation as a CYA measure. As you suggest...
  6. G

    Outlander PHEV Sub-Zero Operation Question

    Haha-had to laugh when I saw the picture - my first thought being "is the turkey done yet?" ... some turkey...
  7. G

    Outlander PHEV Sub-Zero Operation Question

    I follow and appreciate all the threads of this discussion but every once-in-a-while I stop and realise how absolutely ludicrous it is in this day and age to have to babysit a new vehicle that was purchased for as much as it cost (my 23 was $60k all-in) to this degree. After the purchase we have...
  8. G

    Spoke to lease company over the lack of battery heater

    This touches on an issue that is not much discussed. As word gets out about the specific issue and the way buyers have been treated the resale value of these vehicles will suffer. That will affect not only those of us living in climates where cold weather is an issue, but all owners. Mitsu...
  9. G

    Spoke to lease company over the lack of battery heater

    I'd love to hear what they have to say.
  10. G

    Spoke to lease company over the lack of battery heater

    we unaffectionatley call it the "Outlandish" - might have to change the name though...some colourful alternatives do come to mind.
  11. G

    Spoke to lease company over the lack of battery heater

    well you might think that's what a warranty is for...but good luck even getting a response from Mitsu.
  12. G

    Outlander PHEV Sub-Zero Operation Question

    The small claims court limit in BC/Ontario is $35k,in%20Small%20Claims%20Court%20proceedings. NS it's $25k...
  13. G

    Outlander PHEV Sub-Zero Operation Question

    The current class actions relate to the '23 and '24 models ('25?) where Mitsu deleted the battery heating unit.
  14. G

    Outlander PHEV Sub-Zero Operation Question

    search "mitsubishi battery class action" and you'll get links to both the US and Canadian class actions
  15. G

    Heat pump at low temperatures

    That's the spec the tech I asked about it cited -15C and no heat pump and because the ICE doesn't start from the remote, no heat. If you need to defrost and warm the vehicle below -15C it requires a manual start.