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Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV Forum

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  1. D

    The dreaded turtle

    Thanks for explaining. Since you have a 1500 watt heater, I'll take your word for it.
  2. D

    The dreaded turtle

    I wonder why people don’t use a small ceramic heater in the vehicle plugged in to an extension cord which is in turn plugged into a remotely controlled outlet. That way the heater could be turned on from inside the home and the car would be toasty warm when you get in. It would save fuel and...
  3. D

    What features would you like to see added to the Outlander PHEV in the future?

    I would think that if a 2020 Outlander was plugged in in super cold temperatures that the battery heater might mean that the vehicle would be driveable instead of unable to start because the vehicle wants to protect the traction battery. Or it might mean that the vehicle would drive normally...
  4. D

    What features would you like to see added to the Outlander PHEV in the future?

    Might the 2020 model suffer less in cold temperatures because it comes with a heater for the traction battery?
  5. D

    Endtroduction (vent post)

    What did you do with the vehicle?
  6. D

    Where are LEV46 or LEV40 cells sold?

    I noticed that the battery in the listing has 66% of its original capacity according to the seller. Speaking as a lay person without expertise, I think that if I were buying for use in the Outlander, I'd want a capacity closer to the original.
  7. D

    Outlander PHEV Sub-Zero Operation Question

    Were you using the forecast quoting the wind chill temperature? I think the non-wind chill forecast would determine the coldest the battery would get although a low wind chill temperature will speed up the cooling. I'm in Toronto too. The Weather Network forecast I just looked at has a low of...
  8. D

    Outlander PHEV Sub-Zero Operation Question

    I thought about it too and decided not to buy an Outlander. @Grandad bought one and decided to sell it because of the no start issue. He doubts that the software update will solve the issue. See what he wrote here and elsewhere on this forum.
  9. D

    Compulsory traction battery servicing?

    I notice that the battery balancing doesn't seem to be a listed item in the Canadian maintenance schedule at I suppose that someone could refuse to pay for the balancing but would then have to live with the reduced...
  10. D

    Downloading mileage information?

    I noticed that the PHEV Watchdog app has this feature. User @GreyBigFoot developed this app. See his post at I notice that the screenshots on this page are not viewable in the thread I quoted, Here is a screenshot I...
  11. D

    Coming Back?

    You might get the PHEV Watchdog Android app and a compatible ODB2 adapter and use them to check the condition of the traction battery. This works for older Outlanders, not more recent model years. See The app will give a State of Health of the battery (SoH) which I...
  12. D

    Outlander PHEV Sub-Zero Operation Question

    See what @Grandad wrote at
  13. D

    Outlander PHEV Sub-Zero Operation Question

    Thanks @tyleriv for your reply. When you mentioned “blanket like” in your original post I envisioned something of fabric that might get mouldy. But I now realize that you are referring to a rubberized pad. In another post you mentioned the "Canadian Polar Pad", 75W 2"x3" available on Amazon. My...
  14. D

    Outlander PHEV Sub-Zero Operation Question

    @tyleriv Did you consider the workaround I suggested in August of a heating pad assembly attached to the vehicle for the winter and removed for the warmer months? I am thinking that a doormat style heating pad might be less inclined to get mouldy after a season’s use than a blanket. With either...
  15. D

    Outlander PHEV Sub-Zero Operation Question

    I was considering buying the Outlander PHEV but changed my mind after reading about the risk of being stranded in cold weather. I have an idea somewhat similar to that suggested by @tyleriv for those who have already bought one. The idea is to attach a removable heating pad assembly of one or...