WiFi reset procedure (Step by Step)

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Nov 7, 2015
Swindon, Wiltshire, UK
It took me ages to track down a procedure to reset the WiFi and even then it was confusing and didnt always work, so I documented my final procedure so it should be foolproof!

WiFi Reset Procedure:
1. Get in the car and Fully close the Drivers door.
2. IMPORTANT - All steps below must be performed within a total of 30 seconds.
3. Without pressing the brake pedal, press the power button once so that it glows orange (ACC mode).
4. Turn on the Hazard lights.
5. Now quickly alternately press and release the LOCK and UNLOCK buttons on the key fob 5 times, i.e. 10 presses in total. This must be done within 10 seconds of pressing the Power button ON as in (1) above.
6. Listen for one BEEP, followed by 0, 1 or 2 more beeps.
7. Now quickly alternately press the LOCK and UNLOCK buttons on the key fob another 10 times each within 10 seconds, i.e. another 20 presses.
8. Listen for one BEEP, followed by 0 more beeps.

If you only hear a single BEEP, with no following BEEPs, you have successfully reset the WiFi. You can now register 2 new phones with the car again, using the standard procedure (but see Note below). If you hear more BEEPs after the first long BEEP, then its not worked and you should try again following the procedure correctly step by step and within the timings stated.

Switch off the Power button and Hazard lights.

Note: If you reset the WiFi, before you attempt to connect your phone to the car again, you should first remove the Mitsubishi APP from your phone completely.
Once the APP is removed you can then connect your phone with the car WiFi first and only then, after successfully connecting your phone (not the APP) to the car WiFi, should you download and install the APP again. Then of course you must go through the APP procedure.

On some Android phones (like mine) after you first connect to the car WiFi with your phone, a warning will pop up on your phone after about 10 or 15 seconds stating there is no internet connection with this WiFi and it will ask you if you still want to connect to this particular WiFi now and in the future. You MUST wait for this pop up on your phone and select Yes (of course!).
And on Android, do not connect to the car's WiFi using the usual method (WiFi settings). Let the app create and manage the connection. Sorry if you knew that but your wording didn't indicate.

Thanks for the write up. I've filed this away for further reference.

Yet another big thank you.

This is something my garage has no idea about let alone the Mitsubishi specialist here in Belgium. Their solution for me not being able to use the remote after they updated the software was to replace the remote computer unit in the car. This procedure is probably in the workshop manual if only they would read it. It seems that the electronic technology is just that bit too deep for most of the garages. I guess they will get up to speed eventually.

This simple procedure should be posted in every garage maintenance bay!
richi said:
Of course, it's nowhere to be found in the manual, n

I have it on a separate guide which was with all the manual and quick start stuff etc. It seems you or the previous owner must have misplaced it :)
With thanks to Regulo for pointing me to the correct thread, with the help of Vince31's instructions I finally managed to get it working. FWIW in my particular case:

1. After doing the 5x double presses, followed by the 10x (all accompanied by the appropriate beeps), the WiFi was still not visible, so I did the 5x once again (I recycled the power, too) and then the REMOTExxxxxx became visible. But perhaps I was just too impatient.
2. I needed the 14-char password to connect to WiFi (using the phone, not the app).
3. Uninstalling the app wasn't sufficient, I needed to reboot the phone before reinstalling.

So the new 14-char password needed to be entered twice, after doing all the 20x pairs of key presses (I can only assume this procedure was invented by a 6th degree Mason).
ChrisMiller said:
So the new 14-char password needed to be entered twice, after doing all the 20x pairs of key presses (I can only assume this procedure was invented by a 6th degree Mason).
I take it you had one trouser leg rolled up, and were holding the Masonic Grail at the correct angle to the Sun at the winter solstice, 2656 BC? That would possibly help. And a 6 year old to keep count of all the presses. :lol:
In my case, nothing worked, except for replacing the "remote module" that had mysteriously broken during the upgrade.

The obvious symptom of the "broken" module, was the lack of the entire timers menu on the MMCS
My remote app stopped working too (after used only once) . I've tried to follow the instructions above but had no success. I've noticed that my wi-fi connection with the android samsung galaxy7 never stopped working though, and I didn't have to reset it with the app as advised by Daff.

Do I have to disconnect the wi-fi too, before trying again?
I have tried again to connect my Samsung galaxy 7 following the procedures suggested above to the letter. It didn't work. Preheating my car remotely was one of the main reasons to get the Juro. I wonder if I change my android will it work with the new phone?
Given that it worked at least once for you, have you tried the method I posted in another thread over the weekend? Manually connect to the car AP in the WiFi setting and accept the "no Internet, do you still want to connect" popup - this takes a few seconds to appear - don't tick the "always do this' option. Then run PHEV app and see if it can connect. Works on my wife's phone, bit of a fiddle having to manually go into the network first but at least she can start preheat now.

Go to Settings, WiFi and if you are near the car you should see the REMOTExxyyyy entry in the list of available access points. (If not then you haven't managed to register the phone successfully). Touch that and it will ask if you want to connect, so touch Connect. Then follow instructions in my previous message. If you find it works then at least you can use it, even if it's an annoying extra step in the setting app. One more tip: when you exit the app after using it, the connection to the car WiFi should drop automatically. But you do have to actually exit the app, not leave it in the background, or your phone might continue to try to use the car to access the internet.

New to the forum. Just picked up the PHEV last week, it's 2014 GX4Hs with the handbrake lever.
However the password supplied is 4 letters and 6 numbers - 10 digits.
It tells you if you have a 10 digit password to use the "remote control" app, if you have a parking brake lever and 14 digit password - use the "remote control I" app.
Well I tried both and can't connect with either (using Samsung Galaxy S5). It can't complete registration, even though I have followed all the steps.

I phoned the dealer and they said I should be using the "remote control I" app and the password should have been upgraded to 14 digits and changed by previous owner. Can't find any record in the manual.
Wrote to the previous owner to see if they have a password - waiting for reply.
In the meantime - if I use the "phev remote control I" app and reset the wifi using the described method - what will it reset the password to?

I can see the REMOTExxxxxx SSID and my phone connects to it automatically but can't register the app.....
I thought the password couldn't be changed by the user?

If you bought the car from the dealer then it should be their problem to make it work, and to recover/reset the password if it was lost. If they advertised the remote control feature then they can't just sell it with a missing/incorrect password and expect you to do the legwork of contacting the previous owner.

> and my phone connects to it automatically

But if your phone is already connecting then you must have entered the right password. Or do you just mean the phone is prompting for a password?

-- Steve
AndyInOz said:
In my case, nothing worked, except for replacing the "remote module" that had mysteriously broken during the upgrade.

The obvious symptom of the "broken" module, was the lack of the entire timers menu on the MMCS

What is the remote module ?

Is this the wifi module ?

I did disabled WIFI on my car 2 years ago, since I did not had the password ... I would have expected that the MMCS remote timer and charger was working independently by WiFi

I lost "the entire timers menu on the MMCS" in my PHEV after it has been serviced ...

I'm wondering what is going to happen now ... my car is out of warranty ... but my "remote module" was working before I bring my PHEV to the service ...

I did not ask for any firmware update ... if they decide to make an update, and this destroy my car ... I expect Mitsubishi to pay for it

It is already a pain for me to waste my time going to the Mitsubishi Garage, and now I have a cold car and ice to scratch from windows every morning here :oops:

Can someone help? I had registered my phone with the outlander and it worked great. However, I switched my phone in Jan and I foolishly reset the old phone. I've now been trying desperately to get the new phone registered with the outlander and it just doesn't seem to want to register. Its been a right pain. I've spent at least 2 hours now with various combinations. Basically, I've followed every step laid out in the first post
I first tried to reset the wifi module (the 20 presses step), which worked.
I then entered registration again (the 10 presses step), which only gave one beep which indicated that the previous step worked. But still could not register.
I then tried some other suggestions of deleting the app and reinstalling it again. Still no joy

The phone connects to the wifi network REMOTExxxx fine with the password, no internet of course. But it connects.

Basically the problem is that when you enter the wifi password in the app, the app doesn't switch networks to the REMOTExxx ssid. If I manually switch it, it still doesn't work.

Can't understand how such a brilliant car can have such a mediocre app.

Can anyone detail the steps they used to get this working please? My phone is the Samsung Galaxy S8.
This is the time the app is needed the most on these frozen mornings :( Hate scraping the car like everyone else :)
joey said:
This is the time the app is needed the most on these frozen mornings :( Hate scraping the car like everyone else :)

You don't need the app to set timers, you can do it on the MMCS menus just as easily. That's what I'm doing as I don't have the wifi password (bought second hand, not from a Mitsubishi dealer. When I take it in for a service or recall at a Mitsi dealer I'll ask if they can get the wifi password, but I'm not fussed about using the app in the meantime).

Press the 'settings' button then 'remote climate control timers'. The only difference is that you can't change the length of the time it's running - it's fixed at 10 minutes.
Thanks mate, but the time I leave the house is not fixed, which is why the app is so handy. About 10 minutes I leave the house I can set the car to preheat, longer if it is particularly frosty. so worked a treat for me

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