UK Rear Brake Caliper Safety Recall

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Well-known member
Jul 26, 2019
Had a letter from the DVLA saying that my 2016 Outlander is the subject of a safety recall for the rear brake calipers - what a surprise! I had a seized rear caliper a year or so ago and was told that my build was post modifications for that problem and therefore there should be no issue and there would be no contributions towards repairs. So I bought an exchange caliper and fitted it ,myself and it's been trouble free for the year of course.

I wonder what they will do at the recall just inspect and see that I've not got any seizing issues and therefore completely waste my time and money, or replace both calipers as a matter of course. Anyone been to have theirs done yet?
The original recall on early vehicles was inspect and repair if needed. This recall on later vehicles is to replace calipers on recalled vehicles. So you will be getting new calipers and a brake fluid change. If your pads are getting low, they can be done at same time for no extra labour, just with the cost of the pads to you.
That's what annoys me about it. I've done one replacement caliper which will probably just get replaced as a matter of course despite being only a year old. I'll ask for old parts back. Pads don't need doing as I did those at the time of the caliper replacement.

If it is just inspection it's not worth my time going as they'll find that they're totally freely acting, I checked during my change from winter to summer wheels last month, and do nothing but waste my time.

richr said:
This recall was issued a while ago. I had mine done a couple of years back when it was in for its service. They replace both rear calipers for new ones.

I don't believe it was. There was a prior recall for pre 2016 that mine fell outside of as it supposedly had countermeasure parts installed during production, but that was clearly ******** as evidenced by one of mine seizing in the first place, and now this recall.
There have been 3 recalls for this concern, with 2 different production runs,

The most recent one concerning cars built between jan 29 and may 24 2016.

The first 2 recalls were for vehicles MY13 up to MY16 (jan 27) And the production fix was to coat the concerned parts with anti-corrosion product, which in service has now caused a concern as it did not work.

All of the recalls are concerning failure of the handbrake only, seizing pistons or caliper slides is a different concern.

The displaced parts will be destroyed and photographed when job finished. There is no reason you could no have your exchange caliper back, but it will be useless
Whilst I have no doubt that there is some form of design problem, 3 recalls suggest that there might be something else Mitsu is missing. I wonder if they realise that in the UK and possibly in other western countries, most of us no longer use the handbrake when stopped temporarily e.g. traffic lights etc. Thus the mechanism is not kept moving frequently. If the Japanese do still use the handbrake then it might be a cultural difference that they just don't know about. :?:

BTW I'm too old to have dropped the habit and have had no problems other than an over-stretched cable - i.e. too much use :lol:
greendwarf said:
Whilst I have no doubt that there is some form of design problem, 3 recalls suggest that there might be something else Mitsu is missing. I wonder if they realise that in the UK and possibly in other western countries, most of us no longer use the handbrake when stopped temporarily e.g. traffic lights etc. Thus the mechanism is not kept moving frequently. If the Japanese do still use the handbrake then it might be a cultural difference that they just don't know about. :?:

BTW I'm too old to have dropped the habit and have had no problems other than an over-stretched cable - i.e. too much use :lol:

Good on ya, it boils my piss in the dark winter when the mong in front sits there with their foot on the brakes dazzling you at the traffic lights because they're too lazy to put it in park and put the handbrake on.
Best are the Wallys that don't hold on brake but rock backwards and forwards threatening to roll back into you :roll:
I'm booked into Brighton Mitsubishi this Friday, I'll let you know what happens. I expect that as neither of my calipers have the dot that signifies the remedial calipers were fitted to have both calipers replaced, and then perhaps get some reimbursement towards my caliper that I replaced myself if I can find the receipt.
I went in for a 25k mile service in July on my 2014 3H, and they replaced both rear callipers, I'd not had any recalls.

They called it an "upgrade", not a Safety Recall...... !
That's bizarre, mine were done under recall in May 2019 on my 2014 car but it may be to do with your relatively low mileage - I'm at 50k
littlescrote said:
I'm booked into Brighton Mitsubishi this Friday, I'll let you know what happens. I expect that as neither of my calipers have the dot that signifies the remedial calipers were fitted to have both calipers replaced, and then perhaps get some reimbursement towards my caliper that I replaced myself if I can find the receipt.

Work was delayed until last Friday, but the guys at Brighton Mitsubishi got it done with their usual good service. Both calipers replaced. I forgot to ask for my replacement one back, let's hope I never need to replace the offside one again or I'll be mightily peeved.

Now to attempt to claim back the cost f the replacement that I'd had to do with MMUK. I suspect there is no incentive for them to reimburse me as it's not like I can say that I'll never buy a new Mitsubishi again...
Just had my caliper recall completed at Mitsubishi in Cwmbran South Wales. I immediately noticed that the brake pedal was softer and needs more pressure than before. Also the emergency braking system is not working or not working as before. I went back to the dealership who denied anything!
I have now arranged for a diagnostic check as I feel that the lack of emergency braking has made the car less safe to drive.
The amount of times the emergency braking system has kicked and saved me from shunt accidents is amazing.
Just wondering if anyone else has experienced problems after the caliper recall?
Soft brake pedal usually indicates brakes haven't been bled properly after grease monkeys have been messing about with them :roll:
I would suggest that if you need to rely on the FCM to stop you having accidents, you need to have some advanced driving lessons. The only time FCM has kicked in for me was when navigating a multi-storey car park and it didn't like the tight turns