Towing - What Mode

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"good" in what way? Once the charging process is complete (at ~80% full) the car will use the energy in the battery until it's dropped a few percentage points and then recharge it again (referred to as a 'hysteresis' cycle). Without charge mode selected, exactly the same thing happens but with the battery 'empty' (in reality, ~15% charge left). Selecting save mode does the same, but at whatever level of charge is present when you press the button.

As long as you remember to turn charge/save mode off and arrive at your destination with the battery 'empty', you'll consume very similar amounts of fuel, whichever strategy you adopt.
The difference being that if you do that at 80% charge you will have some battery to assist the engine up long hills when it's either in direct drive or running the generator at maximum capacity. If you do it at lower charge, you may run out part way up said hill (mountain in reality).