I have been driving my PHEV for 2 1/2 year. Since about six months i have noticed a strange smell from the vents when having the "snowflake" (AC?) activated. It smells a little like ...horse manure or mold!?!?! :roll:
I had hoped that this smell would disappear after the recent yearly service, but nope the smell is still there if i activate the snowflake. So nowadays i prefer to drive without the snowflake symbol activated. I think (but am not sure) that the smell disappears during longer drives, or perhaps my nose gets used to the smell and does not register it after 10-15 minutes exposure?...
Anyone else who has experienced this?
I had hoped that this smell would disappear after the recent yearly service, but nope the smell is still there if i activate the snowflake. So nowadays i prefer to drive without the snowflake symbol activated. I think (but am not sure) that the smell disappears during longer drives, or perhaps my nose gets used to the smell and does not register it after 10-15 minutes exposure?...
Anyone else who has experienced this?