Saga of my front parking sensor problems

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Active member
Mar 10, 2013
West Yorkshire, UK
I ordered front parking sensors up-front for my GX4H.

When the car arrived, I was surprised and a little concerned to find that they were a 3rd party brand. I was assured by my dealer that they were official "Mitsubishi UK" parts, if not actually manufactured by Mitsu. A small rocker switch had been fitted to the inside of the the storage bin in front of the cupholders. The display unit was about 6-8 inches long, black, mounted centrally near the windscreen de-mist vents and had a neat but visible wire disappearing between the dashboard and the windscreen. The display unit contained about 8 or 10 leds, 4 or 5 on each side. As you approached an object, more leds lit to indicate the distance. There was also a beep sounder. Four sensor units were fitted to the front bumper. The connecting wires were visible if you peered through the front grille. They dangled and didn't look like a neat job, although you could only see this by peering through the slots in the grille.

They started to fail on day 2, intermittently sounding when driving even thought there was nothing in range. By day 3 the left side was continuously sounding.

They were fixed in a day back at the dealer. The dealer I chose is only 15 mins walk from my office, and as long as it isn't raining, I enjoy the walk. I can drop the car off on my way to work and pick it up again at home time.

A few days later they failed again. This time, when I went to collect the car after the work had been completed, the manager at the dealer asked me to let him know personally straight away if they caused any more problems. I drove away from the dealers and by the time I got 1/2 mile down the road, the sensors started to play up again. So I drove around the block straight back to the dealers. The manager was furious on my behalf.

Back to the dealer again for a third attempt at fixing them. As it was raining that day, I asked if they could deliver the car when the repair was complete. The manager drove the PHEV to my office personally and I then drove him back to his premises as it was still raining. Guess what happened on the ride back...

The manager decided I had put up with enough. He ordered the third party system removed and replaced with an official Mitsu unit. Problem was, the Mitsu unit only has 2 sensors, and there were now 4 holes in my bumper. So he also ordered a replacement bumper, all parts and labour, quite rightly, at the dealership's expense.

The new bumper arrived after a week or so. The service manager had to ring me and apologise that the bumper was not painted. I had to take the PHEV back twice more. Once so that the paint shop could match the paint colour to my vehicle (apparently there are 4 shades of Mitsu perlescent white) and a second visit for fitting the new bumper and parking sensors.

The new system has no display module and the disable switch is a small round pushbutton fitted to the bottom left side of the instrument panel, behind the steering wheel. The sounder makes different beep sounds as objects get closer. So far, its working fine, and the new bumper looks just like the old one. The instruction leaflet seems to indicate it really is a Mitsubishi part.

They say that you only really find out how good your dealer is when something goes wrong. Well, I found out, and I would recommend them.

So... has anyone else had the front parking sensors fitted?
I have front sensors that fit the description of the replacements you had fitted.
Kind regards
I know they did the right thing in the end which cost them more but why did they just not provide the real thing to start with, seems like they tried to fob you off with a cheaper version?
I8Binners said:
seems like they tried to fob you off with a cheaper version?
Inevitably I am left wondering what their motivation was for fitting those 3rd party sensors. When I next speak to the manager, now that all is (hopefully) resolved, perhaps he will be more willing to discuss it openly.
Well, the dual system that Mitsubishi fits is not very good. They look sideways too much and they leave a gap in the middle. It is possible to hit a post in the centre of the car without the sensors signalling the impending impact. It may be that your dealer had too many complaints and wanted to pre-empt them.
jaapv said:
Well, the dual system that Mitsubishi fits is not very good. They look sideways too much and they leave a gap in the middle. It is possible to hit a post in the centre of the car without the sensors signalling the impending impact. It may be that your dealer had too many complaints and wanted to pre-empt them.

That's a good theory. The manager at the dealership insisted that the 4-sensor 3rd party system was the one they routinely fitted to all Outlanders. But they could not make it work with the PHEV. We still don't know why. Most/all of the sensors and the control unit got replaced over those 3 attempts at repair. They came to the conclusion that the 4-sensor system was in some way incompatible with the PHEV, although they had no idea why the PHEV would be any different to a diesel outlander in this respect.

They did warn me about the blind area directly in front of the bumper.
A four-sensor system interferes with the radar sensors in the front for the FCM and ACC systems. However, it cannot be too difficult to source a system that works in a different radar band or even an infrared system.
For the same reason the PHEV cannot be fitted with a Bull-Bar.
I was just browsing the UK Mitsubishi website, in particular the PHEV Accesories page, and noted that the front parking sensors, which used to be called "PARKING SENSORS, FRONT", are now called "CORNER PARKING SENSORS, FRONT"......someone at Mitsubishi is at least listening to the complaints of a central blind spot!
Unfortunately my PHEV came with out the Parking sensor "front" but I would love to install it.
my question is; does anyone know if the accessory MZ350220AQ is a complete kit with the button (and the wiring if needed/not already installed in the car)?
is this a DIY job or should I contact the dealer?
tjacobsen said:
Unfortunately my PHEV came with out the Parking sensor "front" but I would love to install it.
my question is; does anyone know if the accessory MZ350220AQ is a complete kit with the button (and the wiring if needed/not already installed in the car)?
is this a DIY job or should I contact the dealer?

Are you really sure? It's hard to find anyone with the front sensors installed who have anything good to say about it!
maby said:
tjacobsen said:
Unfortunately my PHEV came with out the Parking sensor "front" but I would love to install it.
my question is; does anyone know if the accessory MZ350220AQ is a complete kit with the button (and the wiring if needed/not already installed in the car)?
is this a DIY job or should I contact the dealer?

Are you really sure? It's hard to find anyone with the front sensors installed who have anything good to say about it!

are they really that bad? I was under the impression that they were not as good as they could have been but still better than nothing.. my better half almost bumped into the low wall in the driveway the other day as it's almost invisible over the bonnet and I hate the thought that she may damage the front bumper..
tjacobsen said:

are they really that bad? I was under the impression that they were not as good as they could have been but still better than nothing.. my better half almost bumped into the low wall in the driveway the other day as it's almost invisible over the bonnet and I hate the thought that she may damage the front bumper..

I don't have them, but the reports from those that do suggest that they produce so many false alarms from objects to either side of the car that they are close to useless. There have been a couple of threads here on the subject. E.G.
OK, thanks guys

it looks like I should focus on adjusting the driveway wall to make it a bit higher and easier to see from the car rather than the sensors.. :D

thanks for the input and help!
Don't muck about with the wall - just park the car under supervision in the correct place, then make marks of some sort on either side that line up with the door pillar or front of the wing - if you have flower beds either side of the drive, push a cane into the ground, or plant a small bush - something like that.
that could work, I'll have look when I get back form the office, if't not pissing down... which it is now and had been for a few days :( now..
You must, of course, be prepared to put in multiple sets of marks - one for each driver - my wife sits further forward than me, so marks that work for me would not for her...
I back the car in so the camera does the job for me, but the love of my life refuses to do so as it's a waist of time according to her..
do't ask me how she figured that one out... she still needs to revers the car to get back on the road.. but doing it later rather then sooner is apparently saving precious time somehow.. ;)
so the markers will be for her benefit only, or rather for the benefit of the car and the wall (although, being a stone wall, it can probably handle the plastic bumper and will win the argument with the car any day of the week )

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