Portable charger not working

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German Angelini

New member
Aug 21, 2024
Hi all,
I bought the car a couple of weeks ago, is an Outlander 2021, but the portable charger is not charging. I tried with the one included in the car and just today the dealer sent me another one but still not working.

Do you have any idea why or any workaround?

Thanks in advance.


Check the vehicle to make sure that no charging timers have been set up.

This is done via the app, or via the in-dash computer (if you have one).

If timers have been set up, the vehicle will not charge outside of those times.

Failing that, it's time to inspect and test all the onboard electrics in the charging circuit.

May I suggest that you consult an auto-electrician who specialises in electric vehicles?
I had the same problem and the timers had been set by the previous owner. Clearing them solved the issue.
I have 2022 PHEV. In user manual PHEV2022, chapter 3-38 How you temporarily cancel the charging timer. 3-39 How you cancel the charging timer. These will help you, I guess.
I have had several cable failures over the years in my 3 portable chargers:
- car cable thin signal wire broke in handle where it bends at the end.
- car cable broke at cable gland of charger
- mains cable broke just outside cable gland of charger (twice)

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