Optimum battery use

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Jul 1, 2014
What is optimum speed to minimise battery drain with headlights on full? Do you put your foot down and get home in a short time or ease back and take a bit longer?
The headlights do not take that much power, but putting your foot down increases consumption exponentially.
To avoid big delay on M25 last Friday I drove up from Brighton via south London, something I haven't done for years. Awful journey in so many ways. Still, I learnt a great deal about the car (and south London). I set to Charge whilst still able to move on the A23 so by the time I reached the urban stop/start bit I was circa 80% charged.

1) This car is the easiest drive I have had in urban stop/start areas in terms of smooth take up and delivery. Obviously very quiet too but with sunroof slightly open you have to suffer all those other noisy/smelly ICE's.
2) Use of the paddles makes a big difference in recharging even at relatively low speeds. Going down even small hills can show an increase in battery range if you 'paddle' hard.
3) I drove 22 miles from S to N London (where A1 starts at Apex Cnr ) before the ICE cut-in.
4) I notice that battery rang has increased from 25 miles (when new) to 30 miles after a few charges.

So, after a week still lovin' it. Maybe one day I'll be able to get the app to work!
I find driving at about 10-15mph gives me 5 leaves on my eco score! :mrgreen: :lol:

But the battery range definitely benefits from lower speeds - anything much above 50mph will start to drain the battery so if I'm on a journey where I won't quite make it all on ev, I press save when I hit the highway and then go back to normal mode when I reckon I can crawl home on battery. I've managed to get back on 1 mile range left a couple of times (not quite had the car a week yet).

I always use the eco mode - you have to remember to set it each time you turn on. In winter I will probably not do that, but on sealed roads in summer, I don't need the full 4x4 (I think eco adjusts the power to different wheels to maximise efficiency).

Having said that, your comment was really about headlights - but as jaap says, it is the driving that is the real battery drain, so go home slowly.
Actually, no That is the big 4WD Lock button

The Eco button will "tone the car down" a bit, making the accelerator less agressive and using more frugal AC and heating settings. It is rather the opposite of the S setting on a normal automatic.
Thanks for setting me straight - the dealer :roll: told me it adjusted the 4wd from 60:40 to 80:20 or something. Never mind. Can't see it in the manual (not in index under eco!!). Will find it eventually.