Micro Battery Jump Starter?

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Well-known member
Aug 15, 2016
Forres, Scotland, UK. 2014 GX4h with clear rear li
I'm thinking of buying a Ring RPPL200 Micro Car Battery Jump Starter just in case my 7 year old PHEV 12v battery decides to die on me without warning - as I believe the 12v battery can do when it gets a bit aged. I'm aware of what happens when the 12v does go flat as I've previously managed to inadvertently flatten it.

Presumably this relatively small capaciy Ring device would be suitable for a PHEV (intended for use on cars with up to a 2 litre engine) as its only requirement would be to 'jump start' the 12v battery into life ie, it's not actually going to be starting the engine as it would on a conventional non-PHEV car?
NightPHEVer said:
I'm thinking of buying a Ring RPPL200 Micro Car Battery Jump Starter just in case my 7 year old PHEV 12v battery decides to die on me without warning - as I believe the 12v battery can do when it gets a bit aged.

I have been thinking the same thing as I'm still on my original 12v PHEV battery (its outlasted the traction battery which was replaced under warranty!). I think the problem is catching the 12V before it resets the ECU's (which some people do by disconnecting the 12v)?
Yes, absolutely suitable. But even after 'jumping' it and making it boot, if the Aux battery has been flat you will still have a whole host of faults shown. You'll have to wait until the Aux battery has been charged by the DC/DC before restarting it and clearing the faults, but that may not happen if the battery is dead and not capable of accepting the charge.
littlescrote said:
may not happen if the battery is dead and not capable of accepting the charge.

My 12V is 6 years old now, and I've noticed that the RR drops by about 3km after 2pm (PHEV's automated 12v recharge timeslot), so I suspect the 12V is needing quite a bit of charge every day.
I need to remember to check SOC at 2pm and then at 4pm to get a measure of the Ah drained from the traction battery to recharge the 12V. I can't imagine the 12v being more than 500Wh so I have no idea why RR drops by 3km (around 1kWh)?
Probably cheaper and better to just replace it after 7 years
Even if you manage to charge it to start the car, it will probably go flat in a few days anyway. It will go flat on you on the first or second morning after an overnight cold snap.