G glennyggg New member Joined May 25, 2021 Messages 3 May 25, 2021 #1 Hi there, Sometimes, especially when the boot has been open for some time, the boot makes this horrific loud noise when closing. Any ideas? TIA!!! Glenn
Hi there, Sometimes, especially when the boot has been open for some time, the boot makes this horrific loud noise when closing. Any ideas? TIA!!! Glenn
D disconnect04 Member Joined Feb 7, 2021 Messages 10 Jun 16, 2021 #2 Mine can do this when the car is on a slope left to right, with the mass of the boot door it seems to cause the striker to come in at a slightly off angle and make a bit of crash
Mine can do this when the car is on a slope left to right, with the mass of the boot door it seems to cause the striker to come in at a slightly off angle and make a bit of crash
L littlescrote Well-known member Joined Jul 26, 2019 Messages 789 Jun 16, 2021 #3 Mine makes a loud 'groaning' noise when closing sometimes, mostly when it's hot I think. It's 'character'.
Mine makes a loud 'groaning' noise when closing sometimes, mostly when it's hot I think. It's 'character'.