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Jan 8, 2020
Hello. I was wondering if I can jump start my outlander phev using the back battery rather then using the connections at the fuse box. I have had my car parked for last 3 months without using it and now the battery is dead.. i only have access to the back battery because of the way the car is parked.. can this be done without me having to push my car out of the garage?

Many thanks
Your best bet may be to remove (or disconnect) the small battery and charge it on a trickle charger.

Then re-connect it after it is charged.

Alternatively, you could purchase a new battery, charge it up and replace the existing one.

It is possible that the battery has been damaged depending on its present state, so you may find that you need to replace it anyway.
I did it today by just by just connecting the jump lead to the battery with its existing connections still on. Worked just fine.. left the cars running for few minutes then after that I was good to go.

Of course you can do that, the terminals in the front are just for convenience as only one of 2 terminals is easily accessible in the rear.
Has anyone jump started the rear accessory battery using one of the small portable packs sold for jump starting other standard vehicles. As it appears the aux battery is rated at only 325 CCA, most if not all of these devices would appear to provide plenty of power, I'm thinking of buy one "just in case", rather than get stuck this winter on my 2019 PHEV with it's 3rd winter of usage.
Our 2018 car had a flat battery recently.
I had bought a Noco GB40 jump starter pack.
It got the car going within a minute of connecting.

It's reverse polarity protected too.

Yes, a small USB power pack is very useful as you only need to bring the voltage up rather than power a starter motor or anything.

Be aware that once you've had a flat aux battery, you can get many warnings on the dash, and it may not go into Ready mode. Cure it by disconnecting Aux battery for a minute or so and then boosting the aux battery before trying again.
Great responses as well as the tip re disconnecting to clear dash issues. Thanks. I'm going to get one of these, my wife quite often sites in the car while not running but on her phone. So after 3 winters I'm worried about the state of this tiny battery.
The 12V battery's main job is to power up the computers when the car is switched on, and then to connect the drive battery into the circuit. After that, the 12V battery is basically redundant as DC-DC converter runs the 12V side of things. So the power demands are low, which is why a dodgy 12V battery will continue to work for ages after you'd have replaced it in a conventional ICE car, where the slow/non-existent turning over of the ICE on starting would warn you. It seems a no-brainer to use one of those though we've not yet bought one in 5 years.

Just to check - you know that you jump-start the rear 12V from the connections under the bonnet, as described in the manual?
Ridfenfun said:
Great responses as well as the tip re disconnecting to clear dash issues. Thanks. I'm going to get one of these, my wife quite often sites in the car while not running but on her phone. So after 3 winters I'm worried about the state of this tiny battery.

Why not just keep it in Ready mode then and have electrical power from the Drive battery? But when she is just sitting there on her phone, what electrical power is being consumed anyway?
Battery 12V is quite small ,but well treated since it is always charging when:
- Traction battery is charged
- remote run heat or cool
- Ready mode ,so during drive

So if you charge traction battery every day , it is not possible to have 12v battery discharged ...

So when after 3months car not touched , fitst just plug the charger , this will charge traction battery , but also 12V battery . If traction is almoust full , time charging can be enough just to make Ready mode , so 12V can be charged from traction...
Except if the 12V battery is flat, the car won't charge as it needs the 12V battery to physically connect the drive battery into the circuit and start the computers to manage the charge
Ok ,that is what i was not aware... Dead 12v couses not possibility to start charge traction battery.

But somwhere i red , that (at least cars with wifi) start charging 12v battery in night ( like 1:00am) ,maybe this is also good hint to charge traction battery , if car is going to be not touched for long time.
Hi MiG25,

In my car's case, the 12V battery recharges at 2 PM each day, you can hear a faint regular beep when the car does this.

I believe the WIFI turns off if you don't connect to the car (or operate the car) for a period of time, it turns off after 2 days IIRC.

Hi Andy,
Yes you are right !
I installed recently Quicklynks Bluetooth Battery Monitor ,but i was focusing on night , and totally not notice these 2:00PM :)
Yesterday there where no drive at all ,car plugged to charger , and at 0:05 charger turn on by my home automation , and at 5:30 again charger turn on (but when automation detects no power consuming it turns off charger). And suddenly at 13:00 battery voltage increase ( so it is charged).


It is 1:00PM becouse in weekend it was time change for winter ,but for summer time it was 2:00PM.

I looked for history and saw almoust everyday this increase at 2:00PM ( and i'm sure my wife worked at that time , not driving).

My wifi is always on ,since my automation connect's to it everyday ( planned to read battery status ,but no time).
So if wifi will turns off after a whille ( becouse no one will connect to it) ,this charging will be still ? Or it is not connected with this ?

EDIT: And as you can see , every 3h there is a voltage drop connected with some beeping of relays....
HI MiG25,

I'm not sure where I read it, but somewhere...

I think that the wifi module turns off after two days of inactivity, and, I think that the daily 12V top up is related to the wifi module power consumption, but I'm not sure about either of these two things.

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