ICE runs when I start the car

Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV Forum

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Oct 4, 2014
Sorry I have looked through the forums for help on this.....

Past couple of days - battery fully charged - get in start car, demise front window, rear window demister on, go to move off and the ICE starts. I guess the electric heater also comes on and the air con is on as the front demister is on

Obviously been colder mornings the past few days

Is the ICE starting because I am using lots of power? Or is it warming itself up?

Any thoughts?
I think that the best you can say is that the ambient temperature is lower. I don't believe that the designers have built in a simple set of rules that in effect say "if the temperature outside is less than 10 degrees or the battery charge is less than 20%, then start the engine" - they will be collecting all sorts of measurements and integrating them through a complex fuzzy algorithm to select the best operating mode. The objective will be to maximise fuel economy over a long period, not to avoid burning petrol for a few minutes.
I have the same situation, live in Sweden.
I can prevent this in a way, as a workaround. That is to push the ECO-button, then the ICE stops.
That happens when the tempeture is around 7-10 degrees celsius outside.

It takes a bit longer for the heat to come in the car, but thats not a problem right now for me.

But, if I have the "engine block heater" on (extra feature installed) before departure, the ICE do not start, as I have tested it.

BUT, Mitsubishi if you read this, it's time for an upgrade of the cars firmware to fix a couple of the "bugs" that are reported in this forum, so we get to love the PHEV even more than to day.
(I can be a testpilot, if you need someone in the northern parts of sweden)

Safe driving to you!
