How to get *last* month's kWh Charge Amount

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Ludwig WN

New member
Aug 14, 2024
New Zealand
I have a secondhand Mitsubishi Outlander 2020.

One can go into the Charge Amount screen any time to see the current month's "Charge Amount this month" kWh figure, but what I really want to access is the PREVIOUS month's figure. ie the total amount of kWh charge done the previous month, which then will translate into $s. Problem is .. the figure resets at midnight on the last day of the month, a time when most people are in bed. Hence I'd like to see the figure when I get up but the display doesn't allow me. An additional question is I assume if the car is currently charging, you'll have the charge to midnight included in the now-previous month's kWh number, and the charging done post midnight the new "current month" number.

Is there an easy way to access the previous figure? Sure, there's a nice graph shown in "Long-term History" screen but it doesn't give the actual figure and the scale is pretty broad so hard to estimate anywhere near 'close enough'.

Only way at present could be to hover over your car at 1 minute to midnight (when you want to be in bed!) so you can grab the figure, or estimate the kWh based how how the bar graph blue line compares to other months / the 'scale' lines presented. I'd hope Mitsubishi might add the actual number into the Long-term History" screen [written vertically maybe within the blue bars] sometime in the future but it's not there at present, & probably never will be for 2020 models. Obviously the data is available in the system though given it displays the Long-term History graph.