How about a FAQ sticky post?

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Active member
Oct 13, 2014
Having spent my usual 30 minutes or so reading the forums, at least 80% of the threads are repeat questions that have be discussed at length numerous times.

e.g. What does SAVE and CHARGE do
How do I setup the Wifi? Can't get it to work
How do I stop the beeps
What's the best fuel economy mode
What's the difference between B0 and B5
Can I tow a caravan?
etc etc

Can we start a FAQ sticky post that answers the common questions people have about this car?

There's some great info buried in old threads and having a FAQ post that we can just refer new members to will cut down a lot of the noise on the forums on questions that have been asked (And answered) many times before.



From experience: In another forum I made a 14-page FAQ thread.

Do people visit it before asking a question? No.

Does linking to it stop the same discussion repeating itself endlessly? No.

The only practical thing is that one can copy/paste the answer instead of typing it out over and over again...
I tend to agree with Jaapv. FAQ's are OK for some of the "repeat what it says in the manual" kind of stuff. But much of what is talked about on here is from individual experience. If you go back and look at some of the early posts compared to some more recent ones, you can easily see how the conversation has matured as more people have got thier minds round it and tried it out in the car. An easy example of that would be the choice between save or charge. The FAQ could tell you what they do - but so does the manual. The people on the forum all have thier own view though, that's the good bit about an active forum like this. IMHO FAQ's are a source of basic information, most of which you could argue as wrong anyway - but at least they look official.

No offence, but I think it is a bad idea. :oops: