Help! My PHEV won't charge...

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Jun 10, 2018
Hello. I've had a 2015 Outlander PHEV since February and everything has been fine. Went to plug it in last night, came back to the car this morning to find that it hadn't charged. Its set up on a timer to charge between 12 a.m. and 4p.m.

The app is telling me that the charge timer could not be activated. But even turning the charge timer off makes no difference.

The car refuses to charge.
Could be quite a few things! Do you charge via a 16A chargepoint - if so is it tethered or untethered, or via a 13A granny charger? If the former, have you tried charging off the granny lead?

Could you take the car to another public chargepoint to see if it charges there? Do you know anyone else with an EV (type 1) who could plug into your charger to see if it's working?

Sounds like it could be a problem with the app/charge timer but they can be difficult to diagnose!
If you are charging with the granny charger turn it off at the mains, give it a ten count then turn it on & plug it back in. I don't use a timer but I have had an occasion where I plugged it in and the charge light just kept flashing & no charge was going in.
It charges fine from the lead supplied with the car so I’m assuming my charge point could be at fault. It’s a ChargedEV unit so I’ll get in touch with them tomorrow.
Jeremy said:
Hello. I've had a 2015 Outlander PHEV since February and everything has been fine. Went to plug it in last night, came back to the car this morning to find that it hadn't charged. Its set up on a timer to charge between 12 a.m. and 4p.m.

The app is telling me that the charge timer could not be activated. But even turning the charge timer off makes no difference.

The car refuses to charge.

I had some issue with the timers in the PHEV .. mainly the timer in the MMCS did not work

I did disable WiFi .. and this did reset the timer setting ..

I'm not sure this may help in your case .. but you can try if disable and re-enable WiFi allow you to rest timers and maybe remove some lock situation
I have this issue occasionally (annoyingly) using my Chargemaster home unit. The solution is to reset it by switching off and on at the fusebox and then it starts to work again.
I have a very similar issue. For past two days cannot get my 2015 Outlander to charge at home with the Granny cable. The green light flashes. Have tried disabling timers via both the app and Mmc but makes no difference. Charged at work with my type 1 to type 2 cable with no problems. Help please!
My 'metal actuating arm' is plastic - so much so that I've clumsily broken off the hooked end. It still functions perfectly, but it's possible to pull the connector from the car without properly disconnecting it (which would be inadvisable). Mine is a 2016 (UK) model, is yours later or earlier?
The bit you can see when the plug is assembled is, indeed, plastic. The micro-switch actuating lever is the small metal piece at the end of the arrow in the picture. Although you might have broken the end of the plastic latch, the assembly should still work, as long as the plastic arm bears onto the metal lever that operates the micro-switch correctly. Mine is a 2014, but I don't think there's any difference in the design of these plugs up to the present.
Could be quite a few things! Do you charge via a 16A chargepoint - if so is it tethered or untethered, or via a 13A granny charger? If the former, have you tried charging off the granny lead?

Could you take the car to another public chargepoint to see if it charges there? Do you know anyone else with an EV (type 1) who could plug into your charger to see if it's working?

Sounds like it could be a problem with the app/charge timer but they can be difficult to diagnose!
I have a 2020 phev and bought Indra smart pro charger with Ovo energy. When it try’s to charge overnight I get nothing in morning. They say the car is not accepting the charge and could be ‘asleep’ Boost charge from it works fine as does my grannie charger. They say it’s a prob with car. Mitsubishi tell me they’ve never heard of car being asleep ? Any ideas greatly appreciated
Check to see if your car has any 'timers' set up.

The car won't charge, if timers have been set up to prevent it from being able to charge.

Mine only charges between 3am and 8am, it doesn't matter when I plug it in, I have set up timers to make it charge between those times.
Check to see if your car has any 'timers' set up.

The car won't charge, if timers have been set up to prevent it from being able to charge.

Mine only charges between 3am and 8am, it doesn't matter when I plug it in, I have set up timers to make it charge between those times.
Thank for that. I have turned all timers off, Indra said if I have them on it will conflict with their timed charge offers. This can be anytime at night. I set ‘car ready programs’ for 6am each morning.
Yesterday I read somewhere about pushing ‘clock’button on fob twice quickly. I did this and I got a charge, was full this morning. I pressed the button again this eve and we’ll see.
The charge is activated by Wi-Fi
Thank for that. I have turned all timers off, Indra said if I have them on it will conflict with their timed charge offers. This can be anytime at night. I set ‘car ready programs’ for 6am each morning.
Yesterday I read somewhere about pushing ‘clock’button on fob twice quickly. I did this and I got a charge, was full this morning. I pressed the button again this eve and we’ll see.
The charge is activated by Wi-Fi
Clock Button? I don't have a clock button on my FOB

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